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Nitrogen is important as it essential in any amino acid and therefore the production of proteins, allowing humans to grow and repair themselves. Nitrogen has to be ingested via plant/animal materials, breathing in nitrogen, which is abundent in the Earth's atmosphere has no beneficial or negative effects.

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14y ago

Nitric Oxide comes from Nitrogen. It was discovered that Nitric Oxide is a vital body messenger for relaxing the muscles. You also need Nitrogen for DNA & RNA (nucleic acids)

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nitrogen can slow the bodies function after a extended period of time and usually results in pulminary shock which later leads to stroke or even death.

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Q: What does nitrogen do to the human body?
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How much nitrogen in the body?

The human body is about 3% Nitrogen

What is the important role of nitrogen in the human body?

The human body needs nitrogen for the proper digestion of food and growth. Nitrogen is extremely important in the development of the human fetus.

Nitrogen's role in the human body?


Does the human body store large amounts of nitrogen or routinely oxidize nucleic acids?

The human body stores 2.6 to 3 percent of nitrogen. The human body does routinely oxidize nucleic acids, however, the amounts of nitrogen remain within the same percentage.

What are the risks of nitrogen to the human body?

It is possible for humans to suffocate and die in pure nitrogen.

What percentage of nitrogen in human body?

It is made up of 3% nitrogen.

Which parts of the human body that contain nitrogen?

Most of the nitrogen in your body is contained within proteins and most of the protein in your body is contained within the muscles.

How do you detect the level of nitrogen in the human body?

organ system

Does hydrogen have to do anything in the human body?

Hydrogen is necessary to the human body, along with oxygen, phosphorus, sulfur, and nitrogen, among others.

What four elements make up 96 percent of the human body?

Oxygen is the most abundant element in the human body, followed by Carbon, Hydrogen and Nitrogen. Calcium is abundant, as well.

How does nitrogen help the human body?

Three percent mass of the human body is constituted by Nitrogen. It is found in nucleic acid, proteins and other organic molecules. It is found in lungs as the primary gas in air.

What is the function of nitrogen gas in human body?

nothing, absolutely nothing, nitrogen gas is 70% of the earth's air, it enters our body 30% and goes out 30%.