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Psyche means soul or mind.

This is what psychology is about.

Psychology does not deal with the Roman myth Amor and Psyche.

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Q: Why is psychology associated with the story psyche and eros?
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Who is Psyche?

Psyche was the personification of the passion of love in Greek and Roman mythology. In the story of Cupid/Eros and Psyche she started out as a human woman who insulted Venus/Aphrodite by claiming to be a greater beauty. One thing led to another - as Greek and Roman myths do - and Psyche was eventually made into a goddess by Zeus/Jupiter Answer 2: One might add that the story of Eros and Psyche is a very late addition to the myths. The story was written by the Roman author Apuleius about the middle of the 2nd century AD.

What is a modern day connection for Psyche and Eros?

Psyche and Eros have been repeated throughout folk lour and legends such as Brothers Grim and Beauty And The Beast.

What is the literal meaning of psychology?

in old greek texts, you find that the word "psychology" can be broken into two terms: psyche & logos. logos is generally accepted as "the study of", but can be traced back further to mean "the word", or "reasoning". psyche can be traced to "the breath of life", or "the soul as separate from the body", and is generally accepted today as "the mind". so, in a nutshell, psychology is the study of the mind.greek mythology further cites psyche as the lover of eros. Robert johnsons book, "she", is a modern look at the underlying psychological conflicts and resolutions of psyche and eros. a good read, or audio book read by the author.

What did Psyche's sisters tell her to do?

Psyche was not allowed to look at her husband when they sleep together. But her sisters urged her to figure out if her husband is the monster that they think he is. Then, when Psyche shone the light on her husband, she found out that she was with Eros/Cupid. But because of an agreement Eros/Cupid had with his mother, he now has to leave Psyche. The result of this was that in order to get her husband back, Psyche had to do tasks for Aphrodite, Cupid's mother, who hated her.

Why was psychology named after the greek goddess psyche?

The Greek goddess Psyche, strictly speaking, wasn't a natural-born goddess . . . she got there by "marrying up". But talk about mother-in-law problems, not to mention having a "mama's boy" for a husband! You'd be hard pressed to come up with a story that tops that of the Greek goddess Psyche's. The goddess Psyche started out as a mortal, but one of exquisite grace and beauty. Fervently courted by numerous mortal men and gods, Psyche truly wasn't interested in romance and she wasn't just playing hard to get! This offended Aphrodite, the goddess of love, who decided to bring Psyche down a notch by sending her son Eros, the god of love, to shoot her with one of his magical arrows tipped in an aphrodisiac that would make her fall hopelessly in love with the first man she saw, no matter how wretched, unsuitable, or unappealing he might be. But as the Fates (the Greek goddesses responsible for luck and destiny) would have it, just as Eros had Psyche lined up in his sights, Eros stumbled and accidentally pricked himself with the arrow and fell madly in love with Psyche himself.

Related questions

The woman who married Eros?

Psyche did in the story of Cupid and Psyche.

How many wives did Eros have?

Eros is told only to have one wife, Psyche. Psyche is only reported in Roman writing where Eros was associated with Cupid.

What was eros wife name?

In Greek mythology, Eros' wife is named Psyche. Their love story is depicted in the mythological tale of "Eros and Psyche."

Who was eros' beloved?

Psyche. Aphrodite was jealous of Psyche's beauty, and had Eros make her fall in love with a monster with his arrows, but when Eros reached in to get a closer look at Psyche, he pierced himself with one of his arrows. They had a child, Hedone.

Who was Eros wife?

Aphrodite was Eros's mother. He did not have a wife in the Greek myth. However in a Roman story he was married to Psyche. Psyche was first Eros's lover then after a lot of feuds between the goddess Aphrodite they married.

Girl who chose a mortal over a god?

In Greek mythology, the story of Psyche and Eros fits this description. Psyche, a mortal woman, fell in love with Eros, the god of love. Despite challenges and obstacles, their love prevailed, and Psyche eventually ascended to immortality to be with Eros.

Who is eros married to?

Eros, or Cupid, is married to Psyche.

What is a Greek personification of the soul loved by Eros?

The Greek personification of the soul loved by Eros is known as Psyche. She is typically portrayed as a beautiful mortal princess who becomes the wife of Eros (Cupid) in several mythical tales, including the Roman novel "The Golden Ass" by Apuleius. The story of Psyche and Eros symbolizes the union of the soul and love.

Who was eros's love?


Who are eros and psyche?


Who was cupid in Greek mythology?

Cupid was not Greek but Roman. The Greek god Eros had no girlfriend. The story of Cupid and Psyche is a Roman story.

Who is eros and psyche children?

Eros and Psyche had only one daughter named Hedon. In Roman mythology she was called Voluptas.