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In terms of accurate, it is assumed the questioner means with respect to core body temperature.

Skin temperature is influenced by the ambient (air) temperature, and is therefore not an accurate reflection of the core body temperature. Positioning the thermometer under the tongue yields a close reflection to core body temperature, but this procedure is not always practical, especially with infants and animals.

Rectal temperature measures the temperature inside the body cavity, and is therefore a very accurate reflection of the true core body temperature. Furthermore, the rectal temperature can be readily obtained in most cases.

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closest to the core of the body

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Q: Is a rectal temp more accurate than a oral temp?
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Why is rectal temp higher than oral temp?

Rectal temperature is much less influenced by other factors.

Do you subtract a degree from rectal temperature?

No. You only add a degree when taking a axial (under the arm) temp. This is because the axial temp is taken externally, so it only gives a close approximation of the body's internal temperature. Since oral temps are taken from inside the mouth, they give you the accurate internal body temperature without having to add anything.

What is a good temperature for kids?

Same as any other person, 98.6 of course some people have different temperatures normally, if u are within a degree or two dont worry especially if u did the temperature under the arm. the temp under the tongue is more accurate and the most accurate temp is rectal. of course doing a rectal temp is a little overboard.

What is the temperature difference at rectal oral and under the arms?

Rectal is usually .5c above oral, with under arms being .5c below oral Remember 37C is just an average for oral temp and can change through out the day as well

Which temperature site is considered most accurate?

Rectal thermometers are still considered by many medical professionals to be the gold standard for babies and children. However, oral and forehead readings are also typically very reliable in these age groups.

What are the contraindications of rectal temperature?

This method for assessing temperature has long been considered more accurate than other methods. The problem with that rationale is that insertion into feces can actually provide an inaccurate reading. Not to mention that the risk for tearing the sensitive tissue at the anus, or for inserting the thermometer too far, causing a rectal perforation, diminishes the value of the accuracy argument anyway. This method is particularly contraindicated in newborns < 1 month; patients with diarrhea, hemorrhoids, or recent rectal surgery.

What is the average underarm temperature for a 5 year old?

A child's body temperature is the same as an adult's body temperature. A normal oral temperature is 98.6 degrees. Forehead or underarm temperature is normally one degree less because it is more exposed to the air which results in less than a core-body temperature, so a normal forehead or underarm temp can be around 97.6. Note: A high underarm temp should be re-checked orally to confirm a fever. For example, if a forehead or underarm temp is 100.8, the oral temp is likely 101.8. Rectal temp is sometimes preferred to give a more accurate reading.

Is rectal temp 101.0 normal?


What are methods to check body temperature in cattle?

rectal is the accurate way and farms or people who work with cows all the time can tell if a cow is running a temp by the look and feel of her ears

What is axillary temp of oral temp 98.6?


Can you take an adults rectal temp?

Yes, They do it on the elderly all the time.

What temperature is maintained in the core organs by mammals?

Different mammals diff. temps dolphin won't have the same as a human. But usually if you take a rectal temp it will be close to that to maybe 2 degrees warmer humans average 98.6 temp in the mouth to to 2 degrees warmer rectal and possibly 2 more around the heart. My temp on average 99.8