

Why is scout dressed like a ham?

Updated: 12/8/2022
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10y ago

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She is a part of her school show, which displays the products of Maycomb, one of which is ham. The ham costume saves her life, in fact. If she had not been dressed for the play, Bob Ewell's blade would have stabbed her and she likely would not have survived.

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Scout was dressed as a ham for the Halloween pageant.

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In "To Kill a Mockingbird," Scout Finch wears a ham costume to her school's Halloween pageant. Her brother, Jem, is dressed as a cow.

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She dressed up as a ham

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Scout was dressed as a ham for the Halloween pageant.

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The pageant was about different foods. Scout is a big, bulky full ham.

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Scout was to be a Ham for Halloween.

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its the hallowell pageant gem and scout went to where scout dressed up as a ham. Bob ewell attacks the children on their way home, breaking jems arm

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