

Why erosion is harmful to soil?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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11y ago

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Soil Erosion needs to be prevented because it leads to loss of the top nutrient-rich soil. If nutrient-rich soil is lost, it will result in the exposure of depleted soil which can not be used for cultivation. Thus food production and agriculture will suffer.

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9y ago
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12y ago

beauase root hold the soil and prevent from soil erosion.

I think soil erosion is not desirable for agriculture. What is desirable about losing your soil. Soil is essential for agriculture and if you lose soil then you can't do agriculture.

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14y ago

In the short term (a human lifetime), yes ... if the ground isn't too vertical.

In the long term, everything gets worn down to the sea

(and the pushed back up via volcanios.

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14y ago

Every time it rains,raindrops strike the soil like tiny bombs thus moving the soil particles out of their position .By:Kat

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14y ago

because it decreases the fertility of the soil as the topsoil gets blown or washed away.

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12y ago

then you loose top soil for plants and crops don't grow as well.

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11y ago

erosion is kinda like a sand storm but erosion is dirt moving and danming all the plants it is harmful to soil because it goes over it and tottaly f***s it up so thats all hope that helps :)

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Incorrect or poorly done plowing can lead to soil erosion, soil compaction, poor seedling emergence and just plain lower yields.

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It's the other way around. Erosion takes soil away and removes it. Erosion is bad for the soil. The more erosion there is, the less soil there is.

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Because it balances the harmful gases and it minimizes the risk of soil erosion and landslides.

Harmful effects of soil erosion to the plants?

Erosion reduces the productivity of many soils by affecting the soil properties and depth. The soil fertility status may be significantly decreased by erosion. This reduction is substantial and long-lasting, and can not be reversed over a lifetime, even with conservation management, low intensity use or high fertility amendments.

Harmful effects of soil erosion to animals?

the hooves of large animals such a horses,cattle and camelsca impact ang weather the ground

Is soil erosion a regional issue?

No, soil erosion is a global issue

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What kind of change is soil erosion?

Erosion is the result of natural disasters such as landslides. When there is Soil Erosion in that given part of the soil, the soil's topsoil is very thin or washed away. When there is Soil Erosion, the soil will be not good to be planted with. Sometimes Soil Erosion can be good too in means of adding topsoil to the other parts of the soil that has less or no more topsoil.

How is erosion harmful?
