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Because sound is the movement/vibration of air, which is mechanical motion, involving mechanical energy.

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Q: Why is sound consider as mechanical form of energy?
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Is sound energy energy?

Sound energy is a form of mechanical energy.

What are two ways that energy changes form in a can?

One opening the can. Mechanical energy. The sound it makes is sound energy

Does sound have mass?

No. Sound is mechanical energy. Mechanical energy does not have mass. And no form of energy has mass. But energy has a mass equivalent per E=mc2 thanks to Albert Einstein.

When you shout at a friend you are changing mechanical energy into this form?


Which form of energy is used to produce sound?

Sound is a form of energy... There may be many energy transformations before it becomes sound energy based on the instruments used. == == == ==

What form of energy does the electric fan have?

mechanical, sound, and sometimes thermal

What form when a source of energy causes a medium to vibrate?

Mechanical Waves

What is mechaincal energy?

The form of energy that needs a medium to travel is known as mechanical energy.For example sound needs a medium to travel,that's why sound can't travel in vacuum,light needs no medium to travel it is non mechanical form of energy.

Is acoustic energy same as mechanical energy?

acoustic or sound energy is a kinetic form of energy sound waves can only be measured when they travel through a medium, eich means that they have some velocity and hence acoustic energy is kinetic energy.

What are some objects that contain mechanical energy?

"the energy in moving things is mechanical energy. wind, moving water, and falling rocks all have mechanical energy. when you walk, run, or ride a bicyle, you are using mechanical energy. sound is a form of mechanical energy."-Concepts and Challenges in Physical Science

Is ti true that it is impossible to change mechanical energy into any other form of energy ene?

No, mechanical energy can be changed into sound (a fan or something), electrical (turbines) etc.

Why is a vibration necessary for a sound wave to form?

because its a mechanical wave, it requires an action to be formed and that produces energy ( as a sound)