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The Gumamela Flower is more commonly known as the Hibiscus in the US. It is in the family Malvaceae and also known as Rosemallow. A flower is the part of a plant that facilitates fertilization. It contains the mechanism for and products necessary (sperm and ovum) for reproduction. Unless the plant is self pollinating or pollinated by the wind, the flowers of different plants use varying methods of attracting pollinators for the transfer of the pollen. Some of these attractions are nectar, mimicry, color, pattern, and scent. Not all attractants are needed for a given individual plant, but some plants do utilize more than one. In the case of Hibiscus/Gumamela Flower, nectar is the attractant with color and pattern ("nectar guides") leading the pollinator to the store of nectar to brush against the stamen on the way and receive and transfer the pollen while feeding on the nectar. Common pollinators of Hibiscus are large moths or other nectar-seeking insects and Hummingbirds. Vision is the primary sense used by these to find their food. Scent is not needed for the fertilization process so it is not included in the Hibiscus flower's "bag of tricks".

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