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coincided with the development of wooden tools

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Oma O'Reilly

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Q: Why is the shift from hunting and gathering to farming called neolithic revolution?
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What is the shift from hunting to gathering to farming called-?

The shift from hunter-gathers to farming was made from the switch from the paleolithic revolution to the neolithic revolution

Who started farming?

Farming began during the Neolithic revolution. It was the large switch from hunting and gathering to agriculture in small villages.

How did this economic activity differ from farming?

hunting and gathering isnt the easiest way to feed a growing population in the neolithic revolution.

What was a long term effect of the neolithic revolution?

Population growth, domestication of animals and plants, people farming instead of hunting and gathering.

What were the job opportunities for people in the Neolithic times?

farming, hunting, building, gathering.

What was neolithic agricultural revolution?

The revolution that occurred in the neolithic age. The shift from hunting of animals and the gathering of food to the keeping of animals and the growing of food on a regular basis.

What was the agricultural Neolithic revolution?

The revolution that occurred in the neolithic age. The shift from hunting of animals and the gathering of food to the keeping of animals and the growing of food on a regular basis.

What happen after the Neolithic revolution?

There are several things that happened after the Neolithic revolution. For instance, women stopped hunting and gathering since the men would work on farms and get food.

What was the characteristics and the impact of the neolithic revolution?

There was no "Neolithic revolution " . The civilization at the time was not organized, there was no government, people were still hunting and gathering, and just the start of the use of metals. To have a revolution a organized society is needed along with political foundations.

What term describes the period of time when humans turned from hunting and gathering to farming?

Well not going on much... but I think the Farming Revolution!

What would happen if the neolithic argricultural revolution never took place?

The neolithic revolution began when people discovered agriculture. Because of agriculture people could now farm instead of hunting and gathering.

When did the world start seeing more farmers than hunter gatherers?

The Neolithic era was when there was less hunting and gathering and more farming and agriculture.