

Why is your bamboo not growing?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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15y ago

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I don't care about bamboo.

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Q: Why is your bamboo not growing?
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No, Bamboo is the fastest growing plant

what is the bamboo growing in dasmarinad , cavite?

the bamboo will grow in the philiphpine bamboo is a grass and if it does not dry out and it is not over watered will flourish virtually

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Bamboo plant's growing parts are protected by leaf sheath in general.

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Bamboo i think...

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Bamboo is a plant. It a a type of grass and is one of the fastest growing plants.

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sun flower Bamboos are fastest growing plants eaten as vegetables by several communities of people

Does bamboo eat meat?

Bamboo is a type of tall growing grass. If the question is referring to something else named bamboo, then more information is required.

How many inches of bamboo can grow in one day?

Some bamboo is known to grow at speeds of 90cm per day and some people have claimed to be able to see it growing. Check for what type of bamboo you have growing on the internet. Im sorry I would send you a link but I dont know any.