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He may be sick. You should call your vet for advice.

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Why is your cat throwing up yellow bile?

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Q: Why is your dog throwing up yellow bile and seems to have a fever?
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Why Is Barf Green?

It's not suppost to be green or yellow. If it is, it's called "Bile" witch is green or yellow and smells really bad. If you are throwing up bile, you should go to a doctor right away! Throwing up bile can kill you. Bile is needed in your digestive system to help your food go thru your stomach and out ok. Also throwing up bile can be caused by drinking too much alcohol. Hope this helps!

Why are you throwing up yellow stuff?

Throwing up yellow bile can be a sign of an empty stomach or excessive stomach acid buildup. It might also indicate a blockage in the bile ducts or liver issues. If you are experiencing this symptom, it's important to consult a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

What can you do to reduce bitter taste after fever?

Actually during fever bile duct secretes excess bile juice .this causes bitterness of the mouth

What are 4 humors?

Black bile, yellow bile, phlegm and blood.

What are the four humors and there relationship to ilness?

Red Bile Black Bile Yellow Bile Pfleghm Phlegm Blood

What Stores a greenish yellow liquid bile that is shaped like a pear?

what storese a greenish yellow liquid bile that is shaped like a pear

What is billirubin?

the orange-yellow pigment in bile.

What are the four cardinal humors?

According to the beliefs of ancient Greek and Roman physicians they are black bile, yellow bile, phlegm and blood, this is right but... Black bile is when you eat something and vomit after Yellow Bile is the same or could be coughed out Blood and phlegm can be sneezed out your nose or coughed out

Is the bile mad in the liver?

Bile is a body fluid that appears dark yellow - light green. It is produced by the liver and you may taste it when you throw up. It's that sourness that you taste after throwing up.

What were the humors and why were they important according to medieval doctors?

phelegm , yellow bile , black bile , and blood

I vomitted a yellow substance. What is it?

the yellow substance is callled bile. which is just stomach acid.

What did the Jalap plant do for Yellow Fever?

Looking at what we would do today, using Jalap plant seems like a very primitive way of treating Yellow Fever which is caused by a virus carried by mosquitoes. The virus infects the liver causing a jaundiced (yellow) appearance to the skin and the whites of the eyes. The plant was used to cause vomiting. At the time people thought that disease was caused by an imbalance of what they called 'humors'. Galen's humoral theory, for example, held that illnesses were caused by imbalances among four bodily fluids: blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile. Restoration of proper humoral balance restored health. Doctors who embraced the humoral perspective studied fluids such as urine, vomit, and blood for signs of health, and prescribed treatments they hoped would influence the character of those fluids. So causing a patient to vomit was one way to do change the imbalance.