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Where do you think it is? The depth varies between woman, some can reach it, some cannot.

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Q: Why is your cervix so low?
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Can anyone explain how carrying your baby low in your cervix increases your chance of a miscarriage.?

You need to ask the person who told you the baby was low in your cervix, they are the best person to tell you. If your cervix is 'weak' it may open and you may miscarry. I think what you may have though is placenta previa, where the egg has implanted close to the cervix. As your uterus grows it stretches near the cervix and the placenta does not stretch so it pulls away from the wall of the uterus.

Is surgery needed to repair a low cervix?

Surgery is needed to repair a low cervix if it extends down far enough. This reduces the risk of additional health problems.

Where is your cervix located right before your period?

Your cervix should be low and firm. During ovulation with cervical musus the cervix is high and open and wet. After ovulation it is firm, low, and closed. If you are pregnant it will be high, soft, and closed.

What can happen if your embryo implants low in the uterus?

when an embryo is transplanted low in the uterus and has taken and growing the term used is 'carring low' there is possibility of miscarrige in cases of twins and/or if you have a weak cervix. There needs to be at least 2cm from fetus to cervix. check with a perinatalogist.

When you were check the one who are attending the pap smear said that your cervix is very low?

The location of your cervix isn't an issue if it doesn't cause you any discomfort.

Exactly what should the position of the cervix be at the time of menstruation?

The cervix changes position all throughout a woman's cycle. Just prior to menstruation the cervix becomes low and hard, feeling like the tip of your nose. It will also be slighty open.

What microorganism may be found in an erythematous cervix?

An erythematous cervix may signify yeast, herpes, or trichomonas, or could be a finding that's normal for the patient. With trichomoniasis, the cervix can get so read that it's called a "strawberry cervix."

What does it mean to have a soft cervix at 21 weeks?

Your cervix can change daily when pregnant or not. It can even change height and position if you are constipated or just relieved yourself. If concerned while pregnant speak with your doc, other than that you can learn your cervical pattern but charting and checking daily at the same time and same position. A cervical check can not tell if your pregnant by touch alone.AnswerHi, I am not an expert, but i have been pregnant four times and given birth to five healthy baby boys!! So I would say I have some experience. A soft high cervix usually means that you are going to, are, or just have ovulated. After ovulation your cervix goes back to harder and lower.(easily felt) In early pregnancy, your cervix should be low and harder just as it was before ovulation.AnswerWrong. I am pregnant NOW, and my cervix is low and SOFT.) Answeryou can be further in pregnancy with my 2 my cervix was high hard and closed also felt like it was not attached to the wallAnswerI am 5 weeks, 3 days pg and my cervix is high, soft and closed, but it can be different for everyone. When I was 4 weeks and first found out, I noticed it was low (but not as low as during AF), medium and closed.

Can foreign bodies get into the cervix?

Yes, be careful not to do so.

What is it that widens for women so that the child can emerge?

the cervix.

Cervix soft and low at 5 weeks pregnant is this a miscarraige?

Not necessarily. If you are worried go to the doctor. Your cervix gets soft to prepare for the baby. If you are carrying unusually low go to the doctor and have a physical. That's were should be instead of this website. Only your docotor can really tell you what's going on.

In artificial insemination is it better to go into the cervix or into the uterus for conception?

The cervix is the opening to the uterus, so you'd have to go through it to get to the uterus.