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A child learns faster than most adults do. You should show some sort of consideration of their good behavior. They will learn from this and strive to do it again. Children are the same as adults in this sense we learn to expect a reward for good behavior, however we also realize that sometimes it is not needed, to know we did a good job. Children will learn this from the world in which they grow up in. as a parent I would suggest making sure your child knows what's good and what's bad, and this is one way of guiding children. They will always look up to you for it. Also Children are the youth of the nations what we do and say to them are the building blocks for the future. A positive reinforcement usually leads to a positive result for their future. A child is much like a plant or flower water it, give it sun, cut out any weeds that might hurt it, and watch it bloom. Let it go without water, or sun, and leave the weeds to strangle it and what you will have left is a pot full of soil.

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Q: Why it is important to acknowledge childrens positive behaviour?
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