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You have a problem. Something isn't moving too good and the belts are overheating.

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Q: Why my Laundry machine has a burned rubber smell?
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Why the laundry machine has a rubber smoke smell?

Most washers and dryers have a rubber belt that runs from a motor to the drum. It may be jammed or about to break. Have the machine serviced by a competent repairman. Maybe the driven wheel and the motor is not in the same level ,that rubber belts are easy run out

Why does your car smell like burning rubber?

Your car smells like burning rubber because a tube or a wire has gotten loose and has come against a hot part. Rubber is burning. Something is wrong. The smell is the symptom. The fire that will happen when the rubber has completely burned away and the fire breaks out is the disease.

What are balloons make out of?

Most balloons are made out of melted, and burned rubber. Sometimes plastic. You can also tell by the smell of the balloon when it pops.

Why does a balloon smell weird?

Because of the rubber. The rubber can smell a little weird.

How do you wash gym clothes so that they don't smell?

You put the clothes in the wash machine with laundry detergent/soap and then put the clothes in the dryer with a dryer sheet.

Why does your new car smell like burning rubber?

My new car did not smell like burning rubber! When I had a gate smelling like burning rubber, a rubber belt was stuck and instead of turning with a piece of machinery, was caught. I would check the belts in the front of the car and look for one with a worn or burned place on it. It could also be a wire or tube resting on an exhaust manifold or on an exhaust pipe.

How do you get mildew smell out out of washing machine?

Run a load of laundry. It might help to use a detergent with "color safe bleach" or run a load of whites with real chlorine bleach.

How do you wash the smell of petrol out of clothes?

Laundry Detergent

What does cocaine smell like when burned?

Similar to burnt plastic. On its own, cocaine has no smell. Cocaine is ineffective when burned, as it is to be inhaled.

You smell a burnt rubber smell from under the hood of your 2001 Chevy venture what is it?

a burnt rubber ball in the cardorater

Why can you smell burning rubber?

because it's a strong smell

What is the smell of silicon?

Strong and burned