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Because of habitat loss and population increase. It is loosing it's habitat because of logging and other people needs.

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Two reasons. First, their forests were being clearcut. Then an invasion by a close relative, the barred owl, that thrives in cut over woodlands, pushed this bird even closer to the brink.

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Q: Why are Northern Spotted Owls endangered?
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Are northern spotted owls endangered?


Are any owls endangered?

Yes there are endangered owls. Just to name a few Burrowing Owl, Ground Owl, Northern Spotted Owl, Pygmy Owl, Barn Owl.

Do Northern spotted owls live in zoos?

Please tell me if "Northern Spotted Owls live in zoos".

Why are spotted owls endangerd?

Spotted owls are not considered endangered. Instead, they are threatened which is one level better than endangered. They are primarily threatened by habitat loss.

What year did spotted owls become endangered?


If spotted owls were extint what would happen?

Without th Northern Spotted owls the balance of the ecosystem would be ruined

Are owls endangerd?

Yes there are endangered owls. Just to name a few Burrowing Owl, Ground Owl, Northern Spotted Owl, Pygmy Owl, Barn Owl. The barn owl, pygmy owl, and burrowing owls are not endangered species, but listed "least concern" by the IUCN Redlist.

What does the northern hawk owl eat?

Barred owls eat them, they also kick them out of their home and sometimes mate with them, they are a reason why the northern spotted owl is endangered

Are owl becoming extinct?

Owls are becoming extinct because their habitats are disappearing. The northern spotted owl has lost habitat to the logging industry, and are on the endangered species list.

Are Northern Spotted Owls worth saving?

yes, they are worth saving.

Why is the spotted owl endangered?

The spotted owl is a habitat specialist and only lives in old-growth forests. Because of logging practices, the amount of old-growth forests has declined, and with it, the spotted owl. Its closest relative, the barred owl, does better in younger forests and has replaced the spotted owl in much of its range.

Where is the spotted owl found?

Eastern United States into western Canada, the Pacific Northwest and northern California..... Barred owls displace resident spotted owls and often breed with them.....