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Maybe because they want to spend a little bit of their time with their love one.... but hey don't worry they aren't gonna abandon you....

They don't intentionally abandon their friends so to speak, their lives have molded with someone elses and then they tend to want to be together, share their time and end up spending time with other couples and meet new friends along the way. Unfortunately no matter how much we don't like it as times and lives evolve so do our friendships/relationships. If it is a strong bond then most friends don't let a new addition to their lives get in the way and will still incorporate the friendship but if they are willing to let that friendship go and move on it may not have been the friendship that was thought all along. Also there are times that their new spouse does not like or approve of certain friends and they end up eliminating a friendship in favour of the relationship which is not always the best scenario as this is a type of controlling issue that they are blind to at the time. Either way you can always try keeping the contact but if you find they are no responding or accepting any contact from you then let them be, let go and move on. A new chapter in your life will start with your current friends as well as with meeting new ones - think of the opportunities for the future and be thankful of the time you had with the ones that move on. Take Care.

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Q: Why people abandon their friends after love and marriage?
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What are some reasons for same-sex marriage?

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