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The Greek myths have been subjects of thousands of paintings and sculptures though the centuries. The have also been the basis of much literature. Also the stories gives us insight in human struggle to understand life and natural occurrences.

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Greek mythology influenced the way our world works today. By democracy, drama, pottery (etc.)

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Q: Why is it important for us to klearn greek mythology?
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Is it important to learn about greek mythology?

Learning about Greek mythology helps us understand the beginnings of Western civilisation. It also helps give us a wider perspective of religion.Another good reason to learn about Greek mythology is because much great literature, religious practices and stories in the west are based from it. Further, the stories are very colorful and entertaining.Greek mythology was the basis of the ancient Greek religious beliefs and an important part of their culture.

Who is the character in Greek mythology which gave us the synonym for werewolf?

In Greek mythology, Lycaon was a king of Arcadia

Why is it important to learn about Greek mythology?

Learning about Greek mythology helps us understand the beginnings of Western civilisation. It also helps give us a wider perspective of religion.Another good reason to learn about Greek mythology is because much great literature, religious practices and stories in the west are based from it. Further, the stories are very colorful and entertaining.Greek mythology was the basis of the ancient Greek religious beliefs and an important part of their culture.

Why is Learning about Greek mythology important?

It is still all around us. The shoe brand Addas is the Greek goddess of flight that's why there is a wing on the shoe, and many of the movies made today are based on Greek mythology. Buildings copy Greek buildings, brands use Greek God names, and it doesn't hurt to know it.

What is the theme of the hero?

greek and roman mythology in a modern US

What is the difference between greek mythology and other mythology?

What we today call Greek Mythology came from the ancient peoples of the Mediterranean. Most other mythology comes to us from cultures who did not record their religion nearly so long or detailed a way.

When was Hestia Greek goddess born?

Greek mythology does not give us the birthdays of it's gods and goddesses.

How greek mythology is influenced today?

Yes. There are products named after Greek gods, movies are made with stories around Greek gods and mythology , the planets were named by the Greeks for Gods, buildings copy Greek designs, government are based on the Greek idea of democracy, children are given names of Greek gods, and knowing Greek mythology is considered the foundation of a good education.

What is Greek and roman mythology supposed to show us?

Greek and Roman mythology shows us the same thing that Norse and Egyptian mythology shows us: that people found a way to explain how the world functioned way before Judaism, Christianity, Islam and all the other religions came to be. Mythology is a way of explaining how and why everything works - for an example, why there is greed, hatred, depression and all those other things in the world. In Greek mythology, the story is of Pandora and her box.

When is Hephaestus' the greek god's birthday?

Mythology does not give us the birthdays of gods and goddesses.

What does mythology say about tricksters?

Mythology said that when tricksters are somtimes found fooling around with the gods or playing tricks on them they are punished by god like laws. the purpose of greek mythology was to learn about what was living before us. mainly to learn about ancient history. Answer 2 What we call Greek mythology was the religion of the ancient Greeks.

Why did they use Greek language on myth?

Nobody deliberately learned Greek just to write Greek mythology. The Greek people spoke, read, and wrote in the Greek language, and were from an area known as Greece. They also happened to write a lot of mythology that we still read today. To the Greek people, writing stories in the Greek language was just as natural as us writing in English.