

Why should people adopt?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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To help that child have a better life!

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Q: Why should people adopt?
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Should gay people and single people be allowed to adopt?

Yes. Anyone who can provide a good home to a child should be allowed to adopt. Gay people and single people have proven to be exemplary parents.

How people in Karachi adopt environment?

by understanding how they should live there.

Single people should or should not be allowed to adopt children?

yes, they should people don't need to be married to have children . adopted or there own.

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If the disabled person is capable of taking care of the child and seeing to its needs then their disability should be no hinderance to being able to adopt a child.

Why should you care whether or not gay people should be allowed to adopt?

Given that there are no valid reasons why they shouldn't adopt, it's really not something to care about unless you're the adoptive family.

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people adopt fashion for looking handsome/cool & young if we can't adopt it so what is the difference b/w us and the people those are living in rural areas? this is the answer which i think and i think that's why people adopt fashion.........

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It means people should adopt tolerant attitude towards other people or groups who hold different beliefs from ours.

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Yes. People who are not members can adopt a puffle.

How long have gay people been able to adopt?

Prior to the 1960's gay people could only adopt if they were closeted. Starting in the late 60's gay people began to demand the right to adopt. Openly gay people have only been able to adopt since the 1980's.

Why should you adopt a dog?

you should adopt a dog because when you do you can sometimes save its life before it gets put to sleep