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1. It could make children and adults overweight or obese

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Q: Why should school canteens sell junk food?
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Should you sell junk food in canteens because of Human rights?

There is no human right to junk food.

Why do the school canteens vendors have to sell variety food?

School vendors have to sell a variety of foods so students will not have only junk food to choose from.

Should school canteens sell junk food?

Junk foods have no nutritious content in it . This will increase fat content as it deposits at your belly bottom. Having more junk food will lead to Obesity. So don't recommend junk food for school children. Junk foods are Pizzas, Fried items, etc. Instead ask them to add fresh juices and vegetable salads in the canteen. Well it would be good if you had a little bit of healthy food and some junk food so you have a choice

Can you help with my speech on why canteens shoud not have junk food?


Should canteens sell junk food?

My mum owns a canteen. They are only aloud to sell sausage rolls and pies and pizza one day of each week. Ice creams they sell every day, same with slushies, muffins, cakes hot choc and more. If the government banned junk food at school canteens it wouldn't stop children buying them, they could still pack there own lunch boxs with it. If the government stop people from selling junk food it wouldn't make any difference expect more people without jobs

Should you sell junk food at school?

yes but depending where you are

Why should junk food be in schools?

Junk food should be banned from school because it is very unhealthy. It is also because there is a risk of getting Diabetes

Should school band junk food?

no but they should have healthy options too.

Why should junk food be banned in school?

Many people believe that junk food should not be allowed in school canteens because it encourages unhealthy food choices. It might be better for children to be given healthy choices, especially in school.

Should junk food be allowed in and around school college campus?

of course

How does junk food benefit a school?


How many people think school lunches should be improved?

they can get better health food for kids. less junk food.