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because in some cases there have been reports of non-coagulation of the blood due to smoking cigarettes, but it was not proven that there was any major lead into it.

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Q: Why should you not smoke up to 24 hours before a operation?
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No. It makes your blood pressure go up and your cholesterol can increase.

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no you shouldn't smoke pot seeds in the first place. just smoke the bud.

Can you be a lung donar if you smoke?

Yes. you would be encouraged to stop and I believe you have to stop for so many weeks before the operation anyway.

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You don't.

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It depends on how often you smoke in general. Say you smoke every day of the week for a month....then you smoke before the test; then yes it will show up. But, if you never smoke and have a hit or two a few days before your test you should be fine as long as you drink a bunch of water and eat clean. Personally, I smoked a day before a test and passed, but hadn't smoked before than since a few months before.

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Maybe my answer is more of an opinion, but NO, you should not smoke pot, At All... However, if you do smoke anything, to avoid getting dry sockets, you should not after having surgery on your wisdom teeth, at least not within 48 to 72 hours.

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no you cannot flush it out in 48 hours but what you can do is dont smoke the day before and 2 hours prior to the test you should drink a gallon of water and pee as much as possible. nd what you are doing is diluteing you pee so basically your urinateing out water

What should you do if you are lost?

It is very good not to panic. Iv'e been lost before for five hours but I had a GPS. I say start a fire to send out smoke signals. Also, gather things that will provide shelter.