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It's all about the size of an object, heat is a form of energy and the larger an object the more energy it can store, a teapot is considerably larger then a teacup, so the teapot holds more heat energy and therefore cools down slower then the teacup which holds less energy as it is smaller

Or it could be because the boiling water in a teapot is completely surrounded by material so it has no where to lose it's heat except through the spout, a teacup has no lid so the heat can escape into the air around it

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13y ago
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9y ago

Coffee is made and then sits on a burner on the coffee pot that is about 165 degrees. Tea is made with boiling water at 212 degrees and poured into a cup. Tea takes longer to cool because it starts out hotter.

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6y ago

The cup is smaller than the teapot so the teapot has less surface area compared to its volume than the teacup.

As a simplified example - imagine the cup and the teapot are the same shape but different sizes - let's say spheres; the teapot being an 8 inch diameter sphere and the cup a 4 inch diameter sphere. That means the cup has a surface are of 4/3·π·(2 in)² = π·16/3 in² and a volume of 8π cubic inches, The pot would have a surface area of 4/3·π·(4 in)² = π·64/3 in² and a volume of 64π cubic inches.

The surface area of the pot is 4 times that of the cup, but it has 8 times the volume - and consequently the contents have 8 times the mass. Since the heat transfer is proportional to the surface area, even though the pot has more surface area it has proportionally more contents to remove the heat from so even at 4 times the rate of heat loss, it will still only drop in temperature half as fast as the cup (4/8 = 1/2). The math is hardly exact, but the point is that volume increases faster than surface area as objects increase in size.

On top of that, the contents of the teapot are pretty much contained within it while the contents of the teacup are free to evaporate into the surrounding air - further accelerating the heat loss from the cup.

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11y ago

it is because heat enters fast and gets out fast

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11y ago

Since the hot tea is already hot, it will get hotter faster. The cold tea will take longer to brew because it has less heat.

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7y ago

It is smaller, and has less mass.More specifically, the surface-to-volume (and therefore surface-to-mass) ratio is generally larger in the case of smaller objects.

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11y ago

Cup OF Tea

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Q: Why does tea in an ordinary aluminium kettle cool down fast?
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<><><> I'm trying to find out the time it takes for a clothes iron to cool down after it was turned off, finished using it, to store it. <><><> If you want some general advice, maybe it is this: "Unplug it from the wall outlet and leave it for a full 24 hours before you put it away." Come on now, this question is like asking how long it takes a kettle or a saucepan to cool down from boiling water... There is no general answer. The time it takes to cool down enough to be put away depends entirely on 2 things: 1) the weight of the iron and 2) the temperature it is cooling down from. When it gets cool enough to be able to touch it safely without risking a burn to your finger, then if you leave it for one more hour it will be safe to put away. <><><>

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