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The US purchased the Louisiana purchase from the king of France. At first, the president only wanted the port of New Orleans so America could ship goods faster, but the king offered ALL of Lousisiana for a smaller price! This great deal doubled the size of the united states and gave the president the idea of starting the Louis and Clark Expodision.

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Q: Why was the Louisiana Purchase so important and who did we purchase it from?
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What is the Louisiana purchase so important for?

it expanded the US

Which came first Alaska's purchase or Louisiana's purchase?

Louisiana Purchase occurred 1803 and Alaska Purchase occurred in 1867. So obviously, Louisiana.

Who did Jefferson send to explore the territory and why was the purchase so important?

Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark to explore the western territory. The Louisiana Purchase was important because it doubled the land size of the US at that time.

What parishes were not included in The Louisiana Purchase?

In 1806 the Louisiana Purchase was open territory with no settlement except for Native American villages. So, the answer to your question is none.

Why the Louisiana purchase was a positive addition to the US?

so we can have more land

What state was Purchase in 1819 and why was it important?

We have no idea. The only US state that became a state in 1819 was Alabama. It wasn't "purchased", it was part of the Mississippi Territory, which had been claimed by the state of Georgia before being donated to the US government. The state most commonly associated with the word "Purchase" is Louisiana, but a) the Louisiana Purchase occurred in 1804, and b) the state of Louisiana was formed from part of the area involved in the Louisiana Purchase in 1812, both well before 1819, so it seems unlikely that's what you're referring to.

What were some time periods during The Louisiana Purchase?

The Louisiana Purchase was enacted in 1803. This was during the time of Napoleon Bonaparte and so named the Napoleonic period.

What was the boundaries for early 1600s in Louisiana?

The Louisiana Purchase. Also the Louisiana purchase was purchased by Americans So they could control the Mississippi River for trade because it was a HUGE thing back then. Added by tdog638

Why was the accomplishments of Lewis and Clark so important?

im pretty sure because of their contribution in the Louisiana purchase. This is the top of my head i didn't to research hope it helps

How did the Louisiana Purchase affect the United States?

The biggest effect the Louisiana Purchase had on the United States was the change in the size of the country. The Louisiana Territory more than doubled the size of the country. In addition, the Louisiana Purchase forced Spain and France out of the land now defined as the United States, confining their North American territories to Mexico and Canada, respectively.

What was thomas Jefferson and napoleans agreement?

In 1803, US President Thomas Jefferson reached an agreement with Napoleon, to purchase from France the so-called Louisiana Territory. This became known as the Louisiana Purchase and almost doubled the size of the US.

Where did the money for the Louisiana purchase come from?

The US payed about 15 million dollars to buy the Louisiana Purchase to the French.