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becaause of its horns, their very valueble and would make you very rich

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Evilness because they ate peeps.

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Q: What did hippos represent in ancient egypt?
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What was the hippos name for a god you ancient Egypt?


What animals are found in ancient Egypt?

jackals, cats, scarab beetles, crocodiles, hippos

Which god did hippos represent?

The hippos represent the god Taweret.

What animals were around in ancient Egypt?

Hippos, lions, wild cats, antelopes, animals like that.

Which god did cows represent in ancient Egypt?

It was Hathor (:>

What did ba represent in ancient Egypt?

its a male with hair

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Why were hippos' hunted in ancient Egypt?

They were dangerous and would kill the crops

What was the animal for used for in ancient Egypt?

There isn't any official animal to represent ancient Egypt, but I would think the Sphinx.

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Which god did the cow reperesent in ancient Egypt?

The cow could represent many deities of ancient Egypt from Hathor to Hapis/Apis.

Which god did the hippo represent?

Taweret was the hippo goddess in ancient egypt