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Filtration pumps keep things stirring. Repeat question !

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Q: Why water in the swimming pool is not stationary assume there are no winds blowing?
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What is layout synchronized swimming?

A layout is when the swimmer is on their back and sculling doing the stationary scull or on their front doing the stationary scull. The swimmer has their whole body on the surface of the water.

Why do swimming instructors wear diving suits?

To keep warm, as sometimes they can be in the water for a few hours at a time and might be stationary at times.

What body of surface water is stationary?

technically water is never stationary as it is made up of moving particles

Why H2O is stationary phase in chromatography?

Water does not have to be the stationary phase. It can be the diluent. Stationary phases are a wide array of substances. The stationary phase depends on the sample being analyzed.

What is the purpose of swimming pool cushions?

I'm going to assume you mean the cushions that under the pool cover. They keep the rain water from pooling up on your cover.

How can you hide a small penis when swimming?

Everyone's penis is small when they're swimming. It's the cold water that shrinks it. Besides, no one is paying any attention to your very famous penis (I assume, since you think everyone is watching it . . . )

Which Olympic sports have water in them?

Swimming, synchronized swimming, diving, and water polo.

Which is water sport at the Olympics?

* Swimming (including open water) * Diving * Water Polo * Synchronised Swimming

Do Swimming Pools Just contain water?

No. Swimming Pools contain water with chlorine

What is the Minecraft ID number for water?

there is 2 codes, one for stationary water (this water will not move when placed down) and one for just normal water.Code for stationary water: 9 Code for water: 8

Does southforest swimming baths have water slides?

Yes, Southforest swimming baths have water slides.

Which sports are practiced in water?

Swimming, diving, synchronize swimming