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Q: Why were the Filipinos inspired to work for the recognition and respect of their human rights (Answer)?
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Why were the Filipino's inspired to work for their recognition and respect for their human rights?

for an extreamly obvious reason.

What do you modern Filipinos get from revolution staged by bonifacio and the katipunan?

we get from the revolution of Bonifacio and the Katipunan are we Filipinos have to fight to our rights.

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They were European monarchs who were inspired by Enlightenment ideas to rule justly and respect the rights of subjects.

Who awarded the Nobel Peace Price 1992 and why?

Rigoberta Menchú Tum. "in recognition of her work for social justice and ethno-cultural reconciliation based on respect for the rights of indigenous peoples"

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the rights of teachers is to respect

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He wanted them to respect the rights of African Americans.

What religions respect animal rights?

Jainism probably the most animal rights based religion in the world. Even bugs right.Buddhism respect all lifeHinduism respect all lifePantheism respect all life even promote animal rights.

Recognition of the rights of an individual to his own opinions and customs is?

A toleration

What group fought for the recognition treaty rights?

Native American

What does article 3 section 2 of the Philippine constitution mean?

Article 3 section 2 implies to a Filipinos Bill of Rights and his right to security

Why do people have a responibility to respect the rights of others?

Some would argue that people have a moral responsibility to respect the rights of others. It would also be difficult to have a healthy and well-functioning society if people did not respect the rights of others.

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No body knows