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in the south Slavery in the United States had its origins with the first English colonization of North America in Virginia in 1607, although African slaves were brought to Spanish Florida as early as the 1560s. H...

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Q: Why were there slaves in the US?
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Related questions

How many slaves are there in the US today?

Slavery is now illegal in the US. Therefore there should be no slaves in the US today.

Where did the US get there slaves?


Where were most slaves imported from?

If you mean slaves in the US, the answer is Africa.

What was the name of the ship the slaves were on?

No single ship transported slaves. Slavery has been with us for millennia, it is still with us today.

How did slaves first get to US?

on boats

Who does the US ban from entering the US in 1882?

New slaves

Why did the African slaves moved to US?

They were brought to the US against their will

Where there slaves in 1942?

If you mean African-American slaves in the United States, no, there were no such slaves in 1942. Slavery ended in the 1860s in the US.

Who would be a friend to the slaves during the US Civil War?

Other slaves or abolitionists. ;)

When where slaves free in England?

The English never had slaves like the US. They did in colonies, but not in the homeland.

Did slaves build the US capital?

Yes they did around 400 slaves built the capitol.

How many slaves lived in the us in 1861?

about 1,000,000 slaves true fact