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My Girlfriends brother is a full blown narcissist. He is 31, never had a relationship with a girl, and is constantly seeking supply. At first it seems like ADD, they cant focus on you when you talk, the conversation always diverts back to themselve. Try a really neat little experiement like i did tonight. The narcissiist has been lifting weights ( 15 minutes a day 4-5 times per week) and honestly beleieves that his arms have grown immensely. Ignore this. He also was describing how is prison guard training had him qualify with a shotgun. I was ignoring every word and he couldn't handle it, it got the point that he actually pretended like he had a fake gun he was firing just to get my attention. And yes constant name dropping. Keep in mind this personnever fininshed college, is constantly helped by mommy and Daddy when he gets in financial concerns. Yea, ask any questions. By the way I am a licensed therapist.

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Q: Why won't a narcissist realize that taking advantage of others' perceived vulnerabilities will eventually backfire on him and cause him to experience an equally painful consequence?
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Eventually because they are in love with themselves.

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It can be possible to be friends with a narcissist but do not expect much from this person. Also expect the friendship not to be very fufilling and mostly one sided (on your part) The one thing that does help is that you already know that he/she is a narcissist so you will understand why they do or say most things. I say give it a shot but do not expect too much like a friendship where that person will always be there for you no matter what because that just will not happen. I know this from experience. GOODLUCK!

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is more sexual including intercourse,various deviant interests, but eventually the activity will diminish unless with multiple reationships

What is the difference being a narcissist and an introvert?

An introvert is turned inward and away from the world as a defence against abandonment and/or rejection.A narcissist is turned inward and away from the world also as a defence, but additionally, turned towards the love-object of the self.ADDITIONALLY:An introvert possesses empathy as any rational human being; a narcissist has no empathy and no capacity for developing empathy. A narcissist cannot experience compassion for another human being. A narcissist intellectually understands that empathy and/or compassion are true emotions that human beings experience and they do realize that these emotions do exist. A narcissistic person can never truly experience the emotions themselves.Example: A virgin intellectually knows (due to media and others personal testimonies etc.) that a sexual experience would more than likely be a gratifying one; However, the virgin cannot "know" how sex "feels" until they actually experience a sexual interaction themselves.Likewise, the narcissist is aware that the emotions empathy and compassion exist (due to media and others personal testimonies etc.) but they will NEVER know what it feels like to have these emotions. They lack the hardware necessary for these emotions to become realities for them. It is sad, really.

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Bring attention to these false accusations, keep digging into them and eventually the judge will see there is no substance to them. The narcissist will be descredited.

How does the narcissist feel when you try to make amends?

I think it feeds their narcissism. That seems to have been my experience. I have been astounded at my N's arrogance.

What to do if you had a major blowout with a narcissist boyfriend?

You should do some serious self analysis to determine why you would try to have an intimate relationship with a person you have described as a narcissist. Hopefully you will eventually decide that you are wasting your time and should move on with your life and find a mate who is capable of caring for and about you as much as you do about him.

What type narcissist stays with another abusive narcissist?

A borderline. Essentially a more emotionally reactive narcissist.

How do you use narcissist in a sentence?

He is a narcissistic jerk.

Is it wise to tell everyone about the narcissist?

Be careful if you do, the narcissist can be a monster to anyone who hurts their pride.