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Sometimes it's because the finches don't like each other or because maybe they're just not ready yet. It varies with breed but usually Zebra finches are quicker to adapt and quicker to lay eggs.

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Q: Why wont your zebra finches lay eggs?
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Related questions

What is the breeding season for a zebra finch?

If it is younger it will lay about 8 eggs and if it is older it will lay about 5.

Where do finches build their nest?

Society finches can lay 3 to 6 eggs. When laying eggs it usually has one egg a day until its done laying. When the hen is done laying the eggs the male and the female will sit on those eggs. It will 14 to 21 days for those eggs to hatch. If the eggs do not hatch after 21 days, you should throw those eggs away. Then the finches will mate again.

What British birds lay blue eggs?

Robins are known to lay blue eggs. Other birds that can lay blue eggs are starlings and types of finches.

What does it mean if zebra finchs lay green eggs?

they are just like chickens...... they can lay different color eggs

How many eggs to zebra finches lay in a year?

The Zebra Finch (Taeniopygia guttata) is a native of Australia and can also be found in Indonesia and East Timor. It is a popular pet in the United States. The average clutch has 2 - 7 eggs. They can have 3-4 clutches per year, so that would be a maximum of 28 eggs per year. However, if you only have a female, and she starts laying eggs on her own, and she doesn't go broody, she could lay as many as 100 eggs in a year. This is not a normal occurrance, however.

Do the female finches found on galapagos island lay enormous eggs?


How many eggs to zebra fish lay?

Presuming you mean Zebra Danios, over 100. They are egg scatterers and will eat their own eggs if the eggs are exposed!

Female finches found on the galapagos islands lay enormous numbers of eggs?

yes they do

What birds lay tiny brown eggs?

Little brown birds....

What other birds lay blue eggs besides the robin?

There are several species of birds other than robins that lay blue eggs. Bluebirds lay blue eggs, as well as starlings and house finches.

Can a female zebra finch lay eggs without a male?

the female cant lay egg without the male

Do zebra fish lay eggs?

Not all tropical fish lay eggs. Some, such as tiger barbs and daninos do lay eggs, while others such as guppies and sword-tails give live birth.