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A cut that smells bad is infected or necrotic. In either case, this calls for a visit to the doctor. If the wound wasn't effectively disinfected prior to suturing, anerobic bacteria (bacteria that don't need fresh air to live) can prosper. This will have to be cleaned out and, as this can be painful, best to do it where painkillers can be administered. While this doesn't need a 911 call, you also should treat this very promptly indeed. I would NOT wait two days myself -- in fact, I'd go right now. And I would have someone other than your original caregiver be the one to look at this.

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Q: Why would a cut that you got stitches removed from a week ago not heal after 2 weeks and smell bad?
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I would wait until the stitches dissolve (or are removed by your vet).

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I would check back with your doctor; the stitches may not be dissolving properly and will have to be removed.

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Yes, three days after surgery you will definitely still have a hole. It will probably take a few weeks to a month (on average) for the hole to close completely. As for stitches if you don't have dissoluble stitches you should go back to your dentist in about a week to have them removed, however I would recommend you ask your dentist for dissoluble stitches so you don't have to worry about any discomfort that may come with their removal.

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If you mean absorbable sutures/stitches, depending on which one was used they can range from either 2 weeks, 28 days or 45 days. if you want more info let me know what type was used and i will let you know.

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This would be hard to determine because it depends on how many stitches, and where the stitches are on your body.

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No because it would either smell or make a death. It could be donated to people. ( it cant be donated to people otherwise you wouldn't be getting it removed. if its removed its obviouslt faulty).

What is the proper way to remove stitches after your cat is spayed?

Answer:My male cat had to be opened in 2 places to neuter him, then had to return 6 months later and was opened again. The vet said the cat would try to remove the stitches himself while grooming and unless one got infected, I would not need to come back in. If, by some chance, any stitches remained when the wound was well approximated that the cat didn't remove, I could remove them with small embroidery scissors. Maybe because I was a nurse and had experience removing sutures he felt comfortable with me removing any that remained. You can always call your vet to find out what to do for your little one. ~ BubbejoAnswerThey need to be taken back to the vet to have the stitches removed! AnswerI just had 2 of my cats spayed & the vet used disolving stitches so check with your vet to see if these were used they usually do.Thenno need to worry they will disolvein 12 -18 days.

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the smaller the stitches, the less likely it would come apart.. think about when you baste something.. the long stitches can easily be pulled out

Will stitches left too long hurt a cat?

If you do not clean the stitches, I would not be supised if the stitches got infected or if your cat was not careful and they caught on something.

Why would you still get your period after a complete hysterectomy?

You shouldn't as the uterus has been removed and the cervix or vagina closed b stitches. You nay get some discharge for a few weeks whilst the wounds heal however this should eventually stop altogether. If it is over two months or the discharge has bright red blood in it you should seek immediate medical help

What should you eat while stitches on the leg?

I'm not sure if eating anything would damage your stitches if they're on your leg.

What is stitches in french?

Stitches on your face after an accident for example are "points de suture". Stitches in sewing would simply be "points" + the type of stitch (e.g: back stich > point arrière).