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Maybe your dog saw something from a past home and it triggered an unhappy memory...or maybe he's sick...or maybe he just had a bad day...

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Q: Why would an adopted shelter dog act out after a month with no problems?
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What happens when animals dont get adopted at a shelter?

That depends on the shelter they go to. Many shelters now have a no euthanasia policy so the animal will be adopted out no matter how long it takes. Other shelters are so over crowded they set a time limit on the number of days an animal may stay at the facility.

Is there a way to find out if a certain dog was adopted from the dog pound?

Your best bet would be to contact the animal shelter, and see if they have records on the dog. Some animal shelters Microchip their animals, which would be another way of identifying the dog, and the shelter it came from.

Is a bomb shelter and a fallout shelter the same thing?

No. A bomb shelter is for overhead bombs dropped from planes, etc. A fallout shelter is referencing a nuclear fallout, which would mean it would be safe from radiation.

Why do plants give us shelter?

Plants do not give us shelter. the right question would be '' who do trees give us shelter?'' the answer for that would be the are used to make homes.

What month is a baby supposed to open there eyes?

i would say maybe a month or less gives them a idea on what going on with the baby no medical problems their hearing is also good this to gives them time to focus.

Where would you shelter from a bomb raid?

A bomb shelter. A simplistic answer for a inane question.

What is a fallout shelter?

A fallout shelter is a place were people would hid there stuff

Do you need the webkinz before the month or during the month that 's the pet of the month?

If you have it before, you don't get all the advantages of adopting it during the month. Let's say, for example, the pet of the month is the reindeer. I already have a reindeer so I wouldn't get a gift bag with tokens and rare items. If I adopted a reindeer, I'd get a bag full of rare stuff I can't get anywhere else. Basically, I would say get the pet during the month. :)

How important is shelter?

Shelter is important because it keeps you warm, dry and safe. You shelter because you would die without it.

Where was a colony started that would be a shelter for persons with a distressed conscience?

A providence was a colony started that would be a shelter for persons with a distressed conscience.

How do clownfishes find shelter?

they do't need top they live in the sea why would they need shelter? :)

Can you turn a kill shelter into a no kill shelter?

Yes, you can turn a kill shelter into a no kill shelter, but you would need to be prepared to find a way to care for any animals that you were unable to find homes for.