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actually, human feces are brown and not white Go see a physician because white feces (pale stool) is typically a sign of disease. There are many causes but could be a result of liver disorder, pancreas disorder, biliary disorder, and/or other digestive problems.

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11y ago

Usually the lower and upper GI tracts will absorb as much (and sometimes less) nutrients available in the food source, depending on the body's needs. When you ingest a lot of items such as really green leafy veggies (Spinach, etc), or have "blue corn" chips, these can make your stool a different color. Sometimes your body doesn't need all the nutrients, and pass them, making stools look different than "usual". I'd suggest a fasting of food (but drink plenty of water and fruit juice) of 24-36 hours to cleanse the system. By that time, the stools should be more frequent, but back to a light brown. Then you'll have an idea if the color isn't correct, you may have a problem.

Darker stools are indicative of blood loss occurring in the stomach or colon, or gastritis (common amongst alcohol drinkers, especially on empty stomachs). Green stools are usually indicative of diet.

Get to a doctor for a hema-cult test to see if there's hidden blood in your stool! This could be benign, or as serious as colo-rectal cancer.

Should you be of concern, please visit your primary care Physician, and ask for a stool exam. They'll swipe you, put it onto a test strip, and let you know of blood in your stool. If so, I recommend strongly that you proceed with further tests I'd rather have your doctor advise you about.

Good luck! :)

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15y ago

What gives feces a dark color is bile salts that are excreted into the small intestine from the gallbladder, and when there is an obstruction in the pathway of these salts coming out of the gallbladder - like a gall stone for example- feces lose the dark color and become colorless or grayish.

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