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Q: Why would women treat yeast infections over seven days instead of one?
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What is Monistat used to treat?

Monistat is a medication that is used by women to treat a common ailment that most women will have at some point in their lives. The treatment is an over the counter medication used to treat yeast infections.

What is provamicina?

Spiramycin is a drug used to treat many kinds of infections, especially in pregnant women.

Can yogurt cause yeast infections?

No. The live cultures and healthy bacteria in yogurt will actually help prevent a yeast infection. It has been used to treat women with mild, recurrent yeast infections when eating it daily.

When do women use hydrogen peroxide?

Some women use a hydrogen peroxide solution to treat yeast infections. The hydrogen peroxide solution is an effective and natural home remedy. It is not recommended for use during menstruation or pregnancy.

Do transsexuals get yeast infections?

They can. Both men and women get yeast infections.

How to treat CHIPPY women?

With respect, as you should treat all women.

How do Romanian men treat women?

they treat women like QUIENS

What can primrose be used for?

Evening Primrose Oil has been used as a medicine for many years, and can help treat upset stomachs and respiratory infections. It can also help pre-menstrual tension in women.

What is the secret to understanding women?

to understand women you have to understand yourself first because you should treat a women the way you treat your mother

What diseases does cranberry treat?

Prevention and treatment of urinary tract infections in women, kidney stones, common colds and influenza. May be digestive aid. Other folk remedies not yet substantiated in modern studies.

How many women in the US develop yeast infections each year?

Over one million women in the United States develop vaginal yeast infections each year.

How Mexican men treat black women?

How Mexican men treat women, black or otherwise is solely dependent on the individual.