

Why yom kippur celebrated?

Updated: 11/11/2022
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12y ago

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Yom Kippur is not a day of celebration but is actually the Jewish day of atonement. Rosh Hashana is 10 days beforehand and it is the start of the Jewish new year. On rosh hashana Jews start repenting for their sins of the previous year and they use the 10 days until yom kippur to pray for forgiveness and show god they are sorry. On yom kippur Jews do not eat as a way of almost mourning over their sins. They go to the synogogue all day and pray to god to give them a good year. Jews believe there is a book of life and a book of death and so they are praying to god to be written into the book of life. The books are sealed on yom kippur and therefore the day ends with a neilla service which signifies the 'gates closing' and the books being sealed.

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Yes. See Leviticus ch.23. The entire Talmud-tractate of Yoma is about Yom Kippur.

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Which people would be celebrating Yom Kippur after ten days of penitence?

Jews observe the holiday of Yom Kippur, a 25 hour fast with no food or water and a day of prayer.

When do Jews observe Yom Kippur?

In 2010, Yom Kippur is celebrated from sunset, September 27 to nightfall, September 28.

How Was Yom Kippur Celebrated During Jesus' Time?

The same way it is celebrated today - by fasting and praying in synagogue to God.