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Give up. Achieve closure. He doesn't deserve more than what you have already given him.

The word "love" is understood by the narcissist to mean "dependence", "neediness", "ability to provide narcissistic supply", "becoming the narcissist's extension and property".

In these - distorted and sick - senses of the word, all narcissists love to be loved...

A post-mortem of a relationship conducted with a narcissist is very frustrating because it never achieves closure. The narcissist is interested exclusively in allocating blame and generating guilt - not in progressing, developing, atoning, soothing, or concluding anything.

Such exercises in futility are best avoided.

Narcissistic psychopaths have no friends, or lovers, or spouses, or children, or family - they have only objects to be manipulated.

Narcissists have no problem perceiving ideas (many narcissists are intellectually gifted). But they do have a problem perceiving other people's ability to conceive of ideas, to have their own needs, emotions, and preference. Wouldn't you be startled if your television set suddenly informed you that it would rather not work on a Sunday? Or if your vacuum cleaner wanted to befriend you?

To narcissists, other people are instruments, tools, sources - in short: objects. Objects are not supposed to have opinions or to make independent choices and decisions - especially if they don't comply with the narcissist's worldview or plans, or if they do not cater to his needs.

No! True emotional acceptance means the person must possess normal human emotions such as empathy. Without this emotional base acceptance as you would like it is IMPOSSIBLE.

The time for the father to have developed a healthy emotional system is long gone, i.e. infancy and early childhood.

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I am not a psychologist, just an observer to the decades of narcissistic behavior in a bad narcissistic father. From everything I have observed and also studied up on and read, narcissism does seem to get worse with advancing age. At 95, I see that there is little left in NDad EXCEPT the narcissistic agenda.

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Possibly narcissistic personality disorder. Possibly sociopathic personality disorder.

Is narcissisim curable?

AnswerEveryone has narcissistic traits, and this is not always a bad thing. However, a small proportion of the population suffer from disorders such as NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder). This is, as the name suggests, when the narcissistic trait is inflated and takes up a large amount of a person's personality. NPD, through therapy, can be cured, although it may be difficult: narcissists are generally people unlikely to accept that there is anything wrong with them - I know from experience.

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You grieve because the fantasy of having a loving relationship is truly gone.

What does 99.24 mean in a paternity test?

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i am trying to find out what narcissistic winds mean?