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When you cut the tree down the roots will live on and continue to support your slope. Slowly another tree will start to grow. However, if you kill the roots they will eventually rot out and your slope will lose it's support.

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Q: When a pine tree is cut down will the roots still support a slope or small hillside?
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How do trees help in rainwater harvesting?

It helps, by not allowing the water to run as per their capacity, related to slope of the ground, and will sustains the water to be preserved by the roots, in small amount too.

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No. The things that live on or in the hillside are living. For example: grass, shrubs, worms, birds, insects or bacteria. The soil is not alive nor is the water that may be in a small stream.

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A plain. On flat ground, the chance of a rock moving is fairly small. On a hillside, any slight force on the rock will cause it to roll down the hill.

How deforestation is responsible for landslide?

Trees and plants form root systems in the soil. These roots act like nets, helping to hold the soil in place. The roots, along with shade from the trees, also keep the soil moist and healthy so that it can absorb and drain lots of water. When trees and plants get cut down, those root systems die and decompose. The soil dries out and becomes very loose. Then, when a very heavy rain falls, the soil can wash away in a mudslide. This is most likely to happen where the ground is steep, like on the side of a hill or small mountain.On a slope, tree roots help to hold the land together and pin it to the solid ground well below the surface.

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Steep slope. Each line is a different elevation. The distance between them is an indication of how fast the elevation is changing. If they are close together it means a small horizontal movement will result in a greater vertical change that when they lines are far apart - where you would have to travel a greater horizontal distance to move across the same number of contour lines (to get the same elevation change).

What is a lateral roots?

Lateral roots are predominantly to add support to the plant, normally tall trees will have strong lateral roots (combined with a tap root system) in order to make sure the plant is not blown over. Obviously lateral roots still perform the function of normal roots in the uptake of water and nutrient's.

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