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Well, first of all, if you know that you are 5 days pregnant. Don't drink!!! It can cause severe complications for your unborn baby. If you have already drank at 5 days pregnant, you need to be sure to consult your OB/GYN at your next appointment. It is hard to say whether or not your baby will suffer from FAS (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome) without any more information because I do not know what kind of alcohol you drank or how much. For example, 1/2 of a Smirnoff Ice is going to be safer than drinking a Jack and Coke. I am by no means saying that any amount of alcohol consumption is safe during pregnancy, so I am not recommending that you drink 1/2 of a Smirnoff Ice. It is important that you understand the dangers of drinking while you are pregnant. Your child can suffer from slow development skills, slow development of motor skills, organ dysfunction, heart defects, pre-term labor, pre-mature birth, low birth weight, small head circurmference and more. So think really hard about what you are risking when you drink while you are pregnant.

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15y ago
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14y ago

Yes everything you put into your body affects the fetus one way or another. Drugs, drinking and smoking are the worse. They will affect the development of the baby and may cause brain damage and other problems.

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15y ago

The baby would probably not die, however there might be a risk of fetal alcohol syndrome which stunts physical and mental development

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14y ago

It wont show for sure that you are pregnant on the test until after 2 weeks but there are no worries. If you party before you find out that early there are no worries. Most women do that.

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Yes it can.

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Q: Can drinking harm the baby in the first 5 weeks?
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