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I believe that drinking alcohol will never help the situation it can cause more problems than it is worth. If you think it is something your doctor should be concerned with tell him. So No it will not help.

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Why do you have a fever after drinking alcohol?

Some people develop a fever after drinking alcohol due to alcohol withdrawal. Withdrawal happens when one is drinking regularly, and suddenly stops.

Where can one find symptoms of alcohol withdrawal?

One can find symptoms of alcohol withdrawal on the WebMD website. The site is a good resource to visit to find out what symptoms to look for and how to treat someone with alcohol withdrawal.

What are some known detox alcohol methods?

Some of the methods known for detoxing alcohol is alcohol based withdrawal. With this the person slowly cuts down on the alcohol so the person doesn't have withdrawal symptoms to badly that the person goes back to drinking.

Is there something that can help with alcohol withdrawal symptoms?


What are the first symptoms of alcohol withdrawal?

abdominal discomfort,nervousness,anxiety,sweating-after the first 72hrs. & depending on the amount of alcohol ingested & the # of years of drinking-delerium tremens are the most common.

Can you drink with Tramadol?

Tramadol is a pain killer. If a person can limit their alcohol intake they can drink alcohol while taking Tramadol.

What is meant by withdrawal symptoms?

Withdrawal symptoms: Abnormal physical or psychological features that follow the abrupt discontinuation of a drug that has the capability of producing physical dependence. For example, common opiates withdrawal symptoms include sweating, goosebumps, vomiting, anxiety, insomnia, and muscle pain.

What are the side effects if a person stops drinking alcohol all of a sudden?

You may suffer withdrawal symptoms of headaches, nausea and intense cravings. You could have anxiety or depression because you are used to relying on the alcohol to relieve stress.

What to take with alcohol withdrawal symptoms?

We cannot give medical advice. Alcohol withdrawal is a life-threatening condition, and should be carried out in a medically-supervised setting.

Is Etilaam 0.5 recommended for alcohol withdrawal symptoms?

Yes, Etilaam 0.5 is sometimes recommended for alcohol withdrawal symptoms. It belongs to the benzodiazepine class of medications, which are known to help alleviate withdrawal symptoms associated with alcohol cessation. Etilaam 0.5 can help reduce agitation, tremors, and seizures that can occur during the withdrawal process. However, it is important to note that the use of Etilaam 0.5 for alcohol withdrawal should be done under medical supervision. A healthcare professional will assess your condition, determine the appropriate dosage, and closely monitor your progress to ensure safe and effective management of alcohol withdrawal symptoms. It is essential to follow their guidance and seek medical assistance when using Etilaam 0.5 for alcohol withdrawal. Visit - Secondmedic

What is acute withdrawal?

Acute withdrawal is a group of symptoms of an addictive disease that occur as a result of the cessation of addictive chemicals like drugs or alcohol. Acute withdrawal should not be confused with PAW or PAWS which is post-acute withdrawal or post-acute withdrawal symptoms.

What does the term addictive mean speaking in terms of drugs and alcohol?

the term addictive means that you experience withdrawal symptoms when you discontinue use of the drug or intake of alcohol. Withdrawal symptoms could include: nausea, shakiness, cravings (of drug or alcohol), nervousness and paranoid state of mind. Depending on the addiction, drugs and alcohol may have different withdrawal symptoms, also depending on how intense the addiction was.