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Q: Will gestational diabetes cause a c section?
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If you have gestational diabetes do you have to have a c-section?

No. But gestational diabetes increases your chance of having one. The main risk factor of gestational diabetes is a baby that gains too much weight. Often, if a baby is too big, vaginal delivery is deemed too dangerous and a c-section is scheduled. Your doctor will be closely monitoring your baby's weight in the last few weeks of your pregnancy to determine the need for an early delivery or c-section. The best thing you can do is follow a diabetic diet by limiting sugars and carbs.

If a women has gestational diabetes how early can a doctor induce labor?

It depends on the weight of your baby. If you are diagnosed with gestational diabetes, your baby's growth will be more closely monitored than if you had a normal pregnancy. The main risk with gestational diabetes is a baby that gains too much weight in the womb due to increased sugar in the blood. If your baby is measuring too big, your doctor may induce labor around 37-38 weeks. Waiting any longer can cause delivery complications and increase the need for a c-section.

What are Gestational diabetes affects on the child?

There can be adverse effects on the baby if the gestational diabetes is very severe. Your health care provider can help you out there. Often though, most cases can be corrected with exercise and diet. The good news is that gestational diabetes can actually aid in the development of some key systems in the baby. For example in the babies lungs very little surfactant is produced, which is a chemical thatallows the lungs to fully open after birth. The increased levels of cortisol from the mother experienced during gestational diabetes increases this production of surfactant. Sometimes letting nature run its course here can help in the longs run.

What are some risks from gestational diabetes?

The main risk is a baby that gains too much weight in the womb. When your body is not processing sugar regularly (due to insulin resistance) that sugar enters the bloodstream supplied to the baby. The baby can then pack on the pounds. This is why it is important to maintain a healthy, low-carb, low-sugar diet if you are diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Your doctor will monitor your baby's weight closely to determine if you need to deliver early or have a c-section. Some babies are too big to make a vaginal delivery safely.

Did Angelina Jolie have a c-section?

You could do a reward based system as you would do with treats. But if this is ongoing you may want to consult a vet. The poor dog could have a variety of health problems from dehydration to dizziness, weakness, and more. You can try maple syrup as the sugar may trigger her to start eating normally again.

Will a Narrow Pelvic bone cause problems durning my labor and is there anything I can do?

It shouldn't cause any problems with ur labor, but depending on how narrow you are, you may have to have a c-section. I, myself, have a narrow pelvic and I had to have a c-section.

If you have diabetes will it cause mold to grow in a toilet bowl?

Yes. Here's a page where other people who observed this chatted about it:

Can having a c section cause your child to have disabilities?

if you're wondering this you probably shouldn't have children.

Can you have a c section after a emergency c section?


What direction of cut of a C-section cause more scaring and why?

straight up and down. I had a c-section and my cut is side to side and you can't even hardly see it. The muscles heal easier side to side

Cant get pregnant after c section?

No. You can get pregnant after a C-section

What factor does the mother's health play in determining if a cesarean section is performed?

The mother's health may make delivery by c-section the safer choice, especially in cases of maternal diabetes, hypertension, genital herpes, malignancies of the genital tract, and preeclampsia.