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I think of the same thing and I hesitate and question if this can replace risperdal.

xanax and haldol liquid, now, in an advanced state, don't affect much my way of good thinking unlike risperdal.

I'm going to require them from the doctor after having experienced each of them but I doubt if they match together.

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Yes, very much so.

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Q: Can marijuana and xanax combined get you high?
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Is xanax more dangerous than marijuana?

Of course..xanax is a drug widely abused buy addicts and can turn ppl with anxiety into drug addicts. Marijuana is much much less harmful than cigarettes and alcohol

Can you take zomig if you have taken xanax?

zanax combined w-zomig

Is it ok to take cyclobenzapine with Xanax and marijuana?

I wouldn't take cyclobenzapine with Xanax, your risking respiratory depression issues and could result in a trip to the hospital, coma or death. But mixing marijuana and Xanax should be alright as long as you don't over do it with the Xanax, 1-2mg most. You will most likely fall asleep. But please don't drink at all when you plan on doing this,

What can you get or take to flush marijuana and xanax out of your system?

Niacin, an over the counter in vitamin section

Mixing marijuana with vicodin xanax harmful effects?

In my own opinion, I dont think the two combined produces a harmful effect. The only harmful thing you are doing is inhaling smoke. Remember no one has ever died from marijuana alone, but from reading around and friends past experiences marijuana actually intensifies the effects of some opiates and benzodiazepines. Remember to use in moderation, and be careful. Altough millions of people smoke marijuana it is still illegal so one must be very careful if you plan to use this drug. There are no known harmful effects from smoking marijuana. In fact, you can pretty much mix marijuana with any drug. As far as mixing it with Xanax and Vicodin, it can provide an unexplainable amazing high (IF USED IN MODERATION!!). I would recommend 5-10mg Vicodin with .5-1mg Xanax for your first time. I'm an experienced user whose drug of choice was actually much stronger than Vicodin. Thankfully I've backed off and my tolerance has lowered in the past few months, so this combination is even wonderful for myself. Also, the stronger the weed, the more pronounced your high on Vicodin and Xanax will be as well. I'm actually on this combo right now, so yes, a side effect is an extremely relaxed buzzing as well as an interest to be engaged in other activities. It makes ANYthing interesting! Also, make sure you have some food in the house, because munchies will occur and food will taste amazing! If Vicodin makes you queezy, weed and Xanax helps that immensely! If you get paranoid during a weed high, Xanax helps that as well... so yes, my opinion is these drugs (if, once again, used in moderation of course), harmonize beautifully.

After taking an ectasy pill can i take a xanax to coe down off my high?

No its not very wise to mix other pills with ectasy and not very wise to drank alcohol either but you can smoke marijuana!

Can dolphins get high from marijuana?

No marijuana cannot make them high but i hope you are not trying to get them high.....

Can xanax show a false positive for THC?

simply put........YES. i take xanax daily and test positive for thc most of the time.

Why is marijuana not considered a gateway drug?

Marijuana may act as a stimulant, depressant, or hallucinogen and can be deadly if combined with alcohol.

What type of drug slows down the CNS?

Marijuana, benzodyazapines sch as valium, xanax etc etc . alcohol.

What can you do to not be high on Marijuana anymore?

Stop using marijuana.

What is the main chemical in marijuana?

THC or tetrahydracannibinol is the main psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. Other cannibinoids however, contribute to it's psychoactivity. When high on pure THC, the user generally feels paranoid, and uncomfortable. This is why many patients don't like synthetic THC, marketed as Marinol. When THC is combined with other cannibinoids found in natural marijuana however, the high is much more pleasant. Keep in mind however, that highs off marijuana are very subjective.