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Actually it's the other way around because decreasing barometric pressure initiates the upward flow of air that is essential for cloud development and then rain.

Hope this helps! :)

Actually no, because decreasing barometric pressure at the surface is a result of rising air and it also causes convergence of air at the surface. Sometimes in thunderstorms when the downdraft (ie rain and hail) is intense, it can actually cause a rise in barometric pressure at the surface since the air has a strong sinking motion hence the name downdraft. Thanks to the above user for attempting to give a correct and complete answer, but this answer from me is more correct and complete.

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13y ago
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11y ago

Changes in atmospheric pressure are one of the most commonly used ways to forecast changes in the weather because weather patterns are carried around in regions of high and low pressure (see Air Mass). A slowly rising atmospheric pressure, over a week or two, typically indicates settled weather that will last a long time. A sudden drop in atmospheric pressure over a few hours often forecasts an approaching storm, which will not last long, with heavy rain and strong winds. Pioneering meteorologist Vice-Admiral Robert Fitzroy once noted: "long foretold, long last; short notice, soon past".

By carefully watching the pressure on a barometer, you can forecast local weather using these simple guidelines:

  • Decreasing barometric pressure indicates storms, rain and windy weather.
  • Rising barometric pressure indicates fair, dry, and colder weather.
  • Slow, regular and moderate falls in pressure suggest a low pressure area is passing some distance away. Marked changes in the weather are unlikely.
  • Small rapid decreases in pressure indicate a nearby change in weather. They are usually followed by short lasting wind and showers.
  • A quick drop in pressure over a short time indicates a storm is likely in 5 to 6 hours.
  • Large, slow and sustained decreasing pressure forecasts a long period of poor weather. The weather will be more pronounced if the pressure started rising before it began to drop.
  • A rapid rise in pressure, during fair weather and average, or above average pressure, indicates a low pressure cell is approaching. The pressure will soon decrease forecasting poorer weather.
  • Quickly rising pressure, when the pressure is low, indicates a short period of fair weather is likely.
  • A large, slow and sustained rise in pressure forecasts a long period of good weather is on its way.

For pressure tendency, the definitions used by these guidelines are:

TermPressure change

over 3 hourshPain-Hgmm-HgSteady Less than 0.1 0.003 0.08 Slowly rising or falling 0.15 to 1.5 0.003 to 0.04 0.08 to 1.1 Rising or falling 1.6 to 3.5 0.05 to 0.1 1.2 to 2.6 Quickly rising or falling 3.6 to 6.0 0.1 to 0.18 2.7 to 4.5 Rapidly rising or falling More than 6.0 0.18 4.5

Guidelines and table adapted from: Weather Doctor's Weather Eyes.

hope you like it and it helps you

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16y ago

There are powerfull winds in the higher atmosphere that blow in or suck out in any direction and change at random times.

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12y ago

In most storms air generally moves upwards. This results in the atmosphere pressing down with less force.

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11y ago

because when air pressure drops all the good air goes down. The top air then gets gray clouds and rain starts to fall.

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10y ago

Wet and cold

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7y ago

Stormy weather.

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Q: Will it rain when barometric pressure drops?
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