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The Sun does not have enough mass to become a supernova because its mass is less than the Chandrasekhar mass (approximately 1.4 Suns) and it has no way to gain mass.

When the Sun comes to the end of its life (In about 5 billion years) [See Link] it will slowly emerge into a red giant. The dying Sun will then throw off its outer layers, forming a nebula. The only object remaining will be the extremely hot core, which will slowly cool and then fade as a white dwarf over many billions of years.

Interestingly, the fact that our solar system contains heavy elements indicates that supernovae have occurred here before. Our sun is probably the third star to exist in this cosmic neighbourhood, and our solar system formed from the particles left over from prior stars destroying themselves in spectacular manner

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Q: Will our sun become a supernova?
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Will our sun become a red giant then will it become a supernova then a black hole?

No, our sun is not destined to become a supernova and/or a black hole. It will become a red giant, but it is not massive enough to cross the threshold and become a candidate for a fate like either of those last two.

Will the sun turn into a super nova?

No. It does not have enough mass to become a supernova.

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Our Sun will never become a supernova or a black hole; it doesn't have NEARLY enough mass for that.

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Oops! Not all stars end up as a supernova. To become a Type 2 supernova, the star has to be between 8 and 50 times larger than the Sun.

Can a star less massive then the sun become a supernova?

Any stars less massive than our sun do not explode in a supernova. They will slowly cool down and burn out forming an "ember" (a.k.a. white dwarf).

Does red giant star bigger than sun become a nova?

Yes.When the star explodes it will become a super nova.Our sun is too smal to make a supernova when it explodes.

If a star is 20x the mass of the sun what will it become?

Humongous Not very helpful! Plenty of stars are 20x the Sun's mass and don't necessarily "become" anything, but the answer you are probably looking for is supernova.

Is your sun a supernova or a white dwarf?

The sun is neither a supernova nor a white dwarf. The sun is a main sequence star. A supernova is not a kind of star: it is the explosion of a massive star.

When will the sun be supernova?

Never. A star must be about 10 times the mass of the sun or more to go supernova.

When will the sun exploed?

No, the Sun doesn't have enough mass to Supernova, it will become a Red Giant over 5 billion years then slowly form into a Nebula.

Will the sun become a supernova or black hole?

No. When the sun dies it will expel its outer layers in a series of gradual pulses and leave behind a white dwarf.