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Yes. Some beliefs are that pure iron doesn't rust. This is not the case. Iron 'rsuts' or corrodes according to the following: Fe --> Fe2+ + 2e-

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Q: Will pure iron rust
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Is rust a compound or pure substance?

Rust is an iron oxide.

Do all pure metals rust?

No, not all metals rust. Rust itself is iron oxide and comes about when iron metal oxidises; therefore only Iron rusts.

Why is pure iron not used in building?

Pure iron is not a strong as steel and it is also prone to corrosion in the form of rust.

Do alloys rust faster than pure elements?

Only IRON Rusts. Alloys that contain iron may rust. Other alloys do not RUST. They may oxidise. Stainless Steel which is an alloy of iron,.nickel and chrome does not rust. , hence its name Stainless Steel.

Can diamonds rust?

NO!!! Diamonds are an allotrope of carbon, and are very inert . Rust is an oxide of iron.

Do pure iron rust?

cast iron is ferrous, i was doing this for my homework and thought i would help others her is a source that proves i helped x

Is rust magnetic?

Iron Oxide is not magenetic, only pure iron, nickel, cobalt, and steel can be magnetic.

Is rust stronger than iron?

It depends on what you mean by "heavier." Rust is less dense than iron. However, if you allow 1 gram of iron to rust completely, you will have more than 1 gram of rust. if we have equal volume of pure iron and rust (ferric oxide) then rust is lighter than iron.

Does water rust?

Pure water contains no iron, therefore is it incapable of "rusting". Water sources often contain dissolved iron, however, and can therefore deposit rust on surfaces.

Is an iron nail rust a physical change?

I am quite sure that rust is a chemical change. Rust is caused when oxygen atoms begin bonding with the iron in the nail, which makes it a compound instead of a pure element.

Can pure iron be found on earths crust?

No because iron reacts with various substances including oxygen in the air to produce rust.

What substances can rust?

Rust is cause by the oxidation of Iron. Basically, when Iron reacts with Oxygen, Rust is fromed. 2Fe2 + 3O2 ---> 2Fe2O3 (Rust) For this reason, it is only things made out of Iron that can rust. I hope I helped! :)