

Best Answer

Vicodin is in the FDA pregnancy category C. This means that it is not known whether it will be harmful to an unborn baby. Do not take this medication without first talking to your doctor if you are pregnant or could become pregnant during treatment.

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This didnt answer the question I am wondering if it could make my fertility pill not work

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Q: Will taking vicodin during the week of conception prevent fertilization and if not will it in any way affect the fertilized egg?
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Is it ok to mix namenda with Vicodin?

I have heard some anecdotal reports of some doctors prescribing low dose namenda with vicodin to prevent or reverse opiod tolerance so it should be safe as long as the dose is kept low.

What is stronger blue vicodin or the yellow vicodin?

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Is Vicodin the same as Hydrocodone?

The opioid analgesic ingredient in Vicodin is Hydrocodone. Vicodin is a brand name of a medication containing both hydrocodone and acetaminophen. Hydrocodone is an ingredient in Vicodin which is a "trademarked" name. Vicodin has Hydrocodone in it. Vicodin is a combination of Hydrocodone and Acetaminophen so no Hydrocodone is only one of the two drugs that is in Vicodin.

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What can you take to prevent nausea from taking vicodin?

The most common prescription drug that is commonly coupled with mainly most potent pain killers, and occasionally Vicodin in children, and people prone to nausea in general is the pill or oral suspension (syrup) is phenergan. Its generic name is Promethazine.

Can you melt Vicodin down to liquid?

Can you melt Vicodin

Is Demerol the same as vicodin?

No. Vicodin isn't as dangerous.

Is Vicodin stronger then Roxie's?

no. vicodin is hydrocodone where as a roxie is oxycodone. which is a bit more on the strong side than a vicodin.

How is Vicodin similar to loracet?

Vicodin and Lorcet both have hydocodone and Tylenol in them, but, Vicodin has less Tylenol than the Lorcet.Annabelle50

What is the difference between vicodin 5 and vicodin 7.5?


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More vicodin....... Nom nom nom

Is hydrocodone Vicodin?

Yes. Hydrocodone is the generic name for Vicodin