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It depends on the plant - some plants it would make no difference, some would appreciate the extra water, and some might even have trouble with it!

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Q: Will watering a plant twice a day make it grow more than watering it once a day?
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Why a plant does NOT grow in a garden?

The only reasons the plant would not grow is: No fertilizer. Hard soil, the plant may not be able to push through. The wrong season for growing to plant is common, if you plant it too late, or just in the wrong season, it may not grow. Under watering. Over watering. Those are the only easy mistakes to make with your garden, but you plants may have a sickness, making them unable to grow, make surer you buy quality seeds. If you can't seem to make any of this any better, buy pre sprouted plants to get a head start for easy growing!

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No. You do not need a golden watering can, to actually make the tree grow it has a higher chance if you put more than just 100 bells in the hole

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Seltzer water is actually carbonated water.....when it is exposed to air long enough it becomes distilled or flat water. When you use this on a plant you are actually just watering it.

What happens if you water a plant growing in dry soil?

no because your watering it with water which make it wet .

Which kind of vitamin makes a plant grow taller?

Auxins make the plant grow through cell expansion and cytokinins make the plant grow through cell division.

Does watering plants with other liquids make them grow better?

Liquid fertilizers would probably help.

How can you make the plants grow faster?

You can give a plant fertilizer, minerals, and water it daily. Make sure that you get pots with holes so that water doesn't get trapped in a pool inside, and watering just every other day will help enough. There are myths that coffee ground can help a plant's growth, but there is not much to support that.

What would make a plant grow faster koolade or pespi?

Neither Kool-Aid nor Pepsi would make a plant grow faster. Plants require specific nutrients and water to grow, and sugary drinks like Kool-Aid and Pepsi do not provide the necessary nutrients for plant growth. Watering the plant with just regular water is sufficient for its growth.

Can sugar and water make a plant grow?

yes , it will grow

Why water need the plant?

To make plant grow faster

What liquid makes a plant grow faster?

Water is the liquid that makes plants grow faster. Also Plant Food make the Plant Grow Faster.

Will anything make plants grow faster?

Warmth and protection from strong winds, regular watering and fertiliser/compost.