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Not if it can be treated with non-surgical means, which is always the first option you should take. In any situation involving herniated disks, the only reason you should even consider a surgical option is if there's loss of mobility or permanent paralysis at stake. I've had 3 fusions - C5/6/7 was my first in 1996 (L4/5/S1 in '99, L3/4 in '06).

In my case, I had no other option - both disks were completely and severely herniated, and I faced the loss of full use of my left arm (even today, I still have nerve damage issues as a result). The affected nerve path radiates down the neck, across the shoulder, down the left arm, and into the left fingers. At the time, all the fingers in my left hand were numb up to the first knuckle. For both of my other operations, I was looking at a wheelchair had I not opted for surgery. Since I have a progressively deteriorating problem, I'm sure I'll need another one in the future.

It's important to understand that once a disk is weakened by herniation (at least to the point where it's not fully collapsed), it will eventually heal, but there will always be a weak spot in the disk membrane at the point of herniation. This means for the future you need to be aware of, and avoid, situations that could lead to another problem. Of course there are situations you can't always totally avoid, but the obvious ones you can.

Any spinal operation isn't without risks - if you have a doctor tell you a disk operation is "minimally invasive", or "low risk", or they've got the "latest surgical treatment", head for the door. There's no such thing when it comes to spinal surgery. You would not believe the numbers of failed spinal operations and screwups (myself included) that have hurt patients more than helped them. For new treatments, unless you want to be a guinea pig and statistic, avoid it like the plague.

We all look for a quick fix, but there is none when it comes to disk problems. Those that think there are either don't have a real problem, or are totally clueless.

If you ever get to the point where you do need a surgical option, they'll likely give you a choice of bone harvest from your own body (pelvic area) or cadaver bone. I opted and have always recommended harvest from your own body for a couple of reasons:

1. The whole "dead guy body parts inside me" thing creeped me out
2. Possibility of disease transfer from cadaver bone

At the time of my surgery in '96, they said there wasn't any risk of disease transfer from cadaver bone - they now know that's not the case. It takes longer to recover using your own bone (and it hurts a lot more than the the cervical operation itself) but long-term you're better off.

You should also only deal with a Neurosurgeon, and not an Orthopedic Surgeon if it comes to surgery. You want a Nerve specialist working on your spine, not a Bone specialist.

I started this category almost 5 years ago in order to help others just like you who are facing now what I've already been through, so that you can avoid the problems I've experienced. I'll reiterate my original statement - unless you're facing mobility loss or paralysis, don't even think about spinal surgery of any type as an option. It should only be considered when quality of life is at stake.

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Q: Will you have to have surgery if you have a bulging disc on c4 c5 c6 c7 with c7 being the worst?
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Can you feel a bulging disc?

Yes, you will feel pain if you have a herniated or bulging disc in your back. You may feel the pain in your arm, leg, or back. You will also experience numbness and tingling and weakness.

Is a bulging Disc a herniated disc?

No. A bulging disc is a disc that has mildly or severely (depending on what the diagnostics prove) buldged from the intervertebral space. This means that the nucleus inside the disc is intact and still within the disc space, but the disc itself has bulged outward. A herniated disc is the same thing as a ruptured disc in which case the nucleus has exited the intervertebral space and the two vetrebrae are essentially "bone on bone". A bulging disc occurs more often as we age or as repetitive activities weaken the the disc. Herniated discs are more often specifically related to trauma/injury sustained and are more acute (sudden) in onset.

What is central disc herniation at L4-5 associated with concentric disc bulging and mild narrowing of the right and left neural foramen?

A herniated disc in the low back which makes the foramina (the bony holes on either side through which the spinal nerves pass) narrow. This can result in one or both of the spinal nerves being pinched, causing pain or numbness to radiate down one or both legs. On the other hand, it's possible that neither nerve is pinched at all.

What does it mean if you have an eccentric right disc bulging at L5-S1 with minimal right-side neural foraminal narrowing?

Can you please explain what Lumber Scoliosis with sugnificant degenerative discase, in particular disc narrowing at L2/3 and L5/s1 with osteophytes formation. However, no suspicious lytic lesions were seen within the spinc. Kind regards, Candice Blackmore well, the degenerative disc disease means that your disc is slowly being squished down sooner or later there will be bone on bone rubbing and that's no bueno at all!!!! more than likely they will do a artificial disc replacement and the docotrs will go through your stomach right under your belly button. or they will fuse you at L5 S1 like they did me 3 weeks ago.

What is prognosis of disc degeneration without surgery?

Hard to say It would all have to depend on the discs involved and the nerves that pass between them. However the body does not repair damaged discs can grow spurs and cause increasing disability.

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I have 2 bulging discs myself, Dr won't operate since it involves a serious surgery where they have to enter from the front. You take a risk anytime they do surgery on the spine so unless you are a lot older, I would learn to live with it.

Can the bulging disc in neck travel to lower back?

The pain from a bulging disc in your neck can travel to the lower back. The actual bulging disc condition will not move or spread.

How do you fix a bulging disc?

A bulging disc occurs when there is a tear in your vertebral discs, causing the inner soft portion to stick out, or bulge. You can get a bulged disc from injury to your spine - for example, like a car accident. If you have a bulging disc, you should get checked out by a professional. I had a friend who suffered intense back pain because of her bulged disc and resorted to natural healing methods which have helped her a lot. See related link.

Will a bulging disk heal or will I have to have surgery?

It depends on the severity and the vertebral level. You may consider Bowen Therapy from a qualified registered therapist. I have been virtually pain free since 1999 from a bulging disc at L4/L5 after Bowen Therapy. I resisted surgery on advice of a surgeon.

What is another word or term for a bulging disk?

A more commonly used term for a bulging disc is a herniated disc. This ailment may also be referred to as a slipped disc, ruptured disc, or protruding disc.

What is minimal disc bulge at t10 and t11?

Minimal disc bulging means that you are at the beginning stages of a bulging disc. This can cause pain, numbness, and tingling in the neck and back.

What is the best way to help my herniated disc symptoms?

Find answers to your questions regarding Bulging disc Every month, more people come to Laser Spine Institute for help in relieving Find answers to your questions regarding Bulging disc Every month, more people come to Laser Spine Institute for help in relieving?

Does Workman's comp cover a bulging disc?

If you can prove the bulging disc happened at work or is work related. Prior conditions and diagnoses will come into play.

Can a herniated disc become a bulging disc in result of an auto accident?

Yes it can

What does neural foramen are narrow mean?

Bulging disc vs herniated disc