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Some times you will. If a child is getting neglected or something then you will have to take them!

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Q: Will you have to take kids from there family if you become a social worker?
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Does it matter on your type of felony to become a social worker?

yes you cant work with kids if you have any violence convictions towards anyone or drug abuse

What is the job called of taking care of mental kids?

psychologist or social worker

What are the physical demands of a social worker?

to be able to talk to the kids' pets and their grandparents in arizona.

Is it legal for a dad to hit his wife and kids?

No! not at all call the police, or a social worker.

If the father of a 14 year old is ALWAYS high on pills or more and screaming at his kids and the mother wont stand up to him is there a way to get the child removed to live with a close family friend?

Yes. You can talk to a social worker. Perhaps call child line and get a social worker on your case. You can soon solve the problem.

Can you adopt child if it has been with you for more than 12 years?

It depends on the circumstances and if the parents agrees. Talk to a lawyer and the social worker attached to the case. Some kids stay on the foster family until they are 18.

What were columbuss family like?

If you mean the Columbus's family, they were very loving. The father was a hard worker and the mom was a housewife. The kids seemed very happy.

Why happens to kids that don't spend quality time with their family?

Such kids most often develop psychological and social interaction problems.

What inspires one to be a social worker?

some people just like to deal with people and if u like to deal with people and their kids then this might be the job for you.

How do you make a sims 2 family without an adult?

First you have to make the family with an adult then put them in a house. Go on build mode then make a tiny room (about 4 squares) remember to put a door in. Then have your sim walk into the room. then go and delete the door trapping your sim inside. You have to keep on sims until the sim dies or else the escape somehow. Its cruel but it totaly works. hope this helps you! P.S. i think this only works with teenagers not children because the social worker keeps taking the kids away. although you could do the cheat for that which is when the social worker arrives (quickly) put the children into your inventory. this keeps them there but be warned the social worker might come back.

Why did Harry S. Truman have kids?

Harry S. Truman had kids because family was important to him. It was also very normal for men to become fathers and to raise a family.

What happens to Tiffany after you get married on stick rpg 2?

you become a family but never have kids