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Q: Will you still get child tax credit if your child files taxes?
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Do you get a child tax credit on a child that is 17 and still in high school and living at home?

No, when I filed my taxes for my 17 yr old I didn't qualify for Child Tax Credit.

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What tax credit will reduce the amount of taxes you owe?

Child tax credit

How old does a child have to be two claim them on taxes?

Kids should not have to pay taxes as long as they are still under the car of an adult. If a teen has been emancipated, then they will be required to pay taxes.

Can I write-off money spent on a daycare program on my taxes?

There is a Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit. It reduces your taxes by providing a tax credit for money spent on day care and child care services.

What exactly is a child tax used for?

A child tax credit is used to reimburse a parent for the taxes they have to pay when purchasing goods for their child. You can get more information on the child tax credit from the CRA website.

Can you claim a child as a dependent even if that child files her own taxes?

If your child files a joint return with her spouse, you cannot claim her (unless neither spouse owes any taxes and the only reason for filing is to claim a refund). If your child files any other kind of return, it makes no difference in whether you can claim her. Of course, you have to meet all of the usual requirements for claiming a dependent.

If your child is 18 can you claim them on your taxes?

My child was in the Job Corps last year, can I still claim him on my federal income taxes as a dependant?

If your only income for the year is unemployment can you file taxes and still get a refund?

Anyone can file taxes.You can only get a refund if you overpaid taxes during the year or qualify for some refundable tax credit such as the Earned Income Credit or the Additional Child Tax Credit.The most likely reason you might get a refund would be if you had taxes withheld from your unemployment compensation.

Can I claim taxes if I only made 1500 and have a child?

Taxes are supposed to be something you pay but in your case the answer is yes. If you have a child that is yours you can receive Earned Income Credit as long as no one has claimed you or your child on their return and if you meet the requirements.

If you are payin your child support can they still hold your taxes?

They can if you still owe arrearages. ( back support)

Can child care paid through child support be claimed on taxes?

Yes, if you paid for child care, regardless of where the income comes from, you can claim the Child and Dependent Care Credit.