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If you pass a school bus when the red lights are flashing and you get a ticket, it is a moving violation and your insurance will more than likely go up.

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Q: Will your insurance go up if you get a ticket for passing a school bus?
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If a school bus is parked in a shopping mall with flashing red lights on but no driver or students can you get a ticket for passing it after coming to a full stop?

Yes, you can get a ticket for passing a school bus if a school parked in a shopping mall with flashing red light on but no driver nor students.

What is the penalty for passing a stopped school bus in New York State?

A very expensive ticket.

What is the fine for passing a school bus that is stopped in Illinois?

What is the fine for passing a school bus in illinois?

How much is a ticket for not stopping for a school bus in California?

I recently got a ticket for passing a school bus that was not flashing lights but was opening the stop sign as I was approaching the bus. I received my fine and almost fell back for knowing that my fine was $742. I appeared in court and now appealing the fine. It was not my fault that the bus was not flashing the lights.

What happens to a 16 year old when you pass a school bus in Iowa?

If you pass a school bus that is stopped and get caught, which you more than likely will as the will write down you license plate number, you will get a ticket and pay a hefty fine. Passing a school bus it very dangerous and serious and it is not taken lightly in any state. If you are talking about passing a moving school bus then as long as you pass in a passing zone and are not speeding you are not breaking any law so nothing will happen.

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Passing a stopped school bus carries a penalty of how many point

What is the fine for passing a school bus in florida?


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When passing a stopped school bus you do not need to stop if .?

The school bus is on the opposite side of a roadway that is divided by a physical barrier.

If a school bus driver gets a speeding ticket on the bus will they be fired?

yes they will most likely be fire but it depends on the school district

How many points will you get for passing a stopped school bus in Florida?


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