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It can go either way.

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Q: Will your libido increase or decrease in early pregnancy?
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Are sore nipples and an increase in libido a sign of pregnancy?

It can be. If you are having symptoms that are unusual for you around the time of your period, then yes, they can very well be signs of pregnancy. Common symptoms women notice when they are early in their pregnancies are: Nausea, sore breasts and nipples, increase or decrease in appetite, increased urination, more emotional, breakouts, and an increase in cervical mucous.

What are the chances of getting pregnant if you skip the sugar pills?

Not eating the sugar pills does not increase the risk of pregnancy. Throwing away the sugar pills and starting the next pack early also does not increase the risk of pregnancy -- it may even decrease the risk.

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It's fine to start the next cycle of the birth control patch early. It does not increase your risk of pregnancy; in fact, it may decrease the risk.

Can you put the birth control patch on two days early and still be protected?

Yes, putting on the patch after five patch-free days will decrease, not increase, your risk of pregnancy.

Did immigration quotas in the early 1900s increase or decrease?

increase because of anti communist red scare

Can you start a new pack of birth control pills a day early?

Starting a pack of birth control pills a day early does not increase the risk of pregnancy; in fact, it may decrease the risk. Continue taking your pills as normal. Your period will just arrive a day early that's all.

Will you get diahrea during early pregnancy?

During early pregnancy there have been cases reported of such functions, if so, breath, it will pass as the pregnancy develops over a 6 month period. If symptoms increase, or continue go to the doctor immediately!!

What cultural change resulted from the adoption of the eight-hour workday in the early 1900s?

An increase in leisure activities - Apex

Is a UTI an early pregnancy sign?

Frequent urination can be an early symptom of pregnancy, but a UTI isnt' an early pregnancy sign.

What is the effect in the personality development of early pregnancy?

early pregnancy, none

What color should the cervical be in an very early pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the cervix becomes closed and blue or purple in color. Also the cervical mucus tends increase due to hormonal changes.

What does urine smell like in early pregnancy?

Urine. Ammonia. The smell of urine does not change in early pregnancy. Or late pregnancy.