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Q: Would chest tightness mean your pregnant?
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How long will chest tightness last after quitting smoking?

for about a week i think. Will not last a week-- Your lungs are filtering out the "gunk" out of your lungs, from how many years you've smoked. it can take anywere between 6months to a year. before you would see any improvement. However, for how ever long you smoked the tightness in your chest could mean target a lot of issues. Such as COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. that could cause shortness of breath, tightness in the chest. I'd see your Physican if you have any concerns. ----Resources------- I'm a Registered nurse.

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What does it mean when Burning in your upper stomach and middle of your chest comes and goes?

Your Pregnant! The burning is from the growth of your little baby!

Are a chest full of mucus that can't be coughed up and attacks of fighting to breath signs of asthma?

Breathlessness and chest tightness are common signs of asthma, though it doesn't definitely mean you have asthma. If your blood relatives have a history of asthma, you should see the doctor, who will find out if it is asthma or simply common cold.

Does a tightness on the left side mean you could suffer a heart attack?

Many people with chest pain fear a HEART ATTACK. However, there are many possible causes of chest pain. Some causes are not dangerous to your health, while other causes are serious and even life-threatening. Any organ or tissue in your chest can be the source of pain, including your heart, lungs, esophagus, muscles, ribs, tendons, or nerves. Pain may also spread to the chest from the neck, abdomen, and back.

Why does your stomach feel tight?

If you have tightness in the stomach, it could mean that you have been doing many muscular endurance excersizes, like sit ups, curl ups, pull ups, etc.

What does it mean for a rabbit to have a pigeon chest?

A narrow chest with a protruding V-shaped chest bone.

Can someone have symptoms of lung cancer that turn out to be another disease?

Yes the symptoms for lung cancer such as coughing wheezing and tightness in the chest can also mean asthma. Someone who suffers from cystic fybrosis can appear to have lung cancer, pnumonia can also mimic symptoms that are similar to lung cancer.

Would the phrase 'a vintage treasure chest' mean 'an old treasure chest' or 'wine that is of treasure-like values'?

It means an old treasure chest, like a vintage car is one made between 1919 and 1930.

You have chest pain and pressure very winded --what does this mean?

Chest pain and pressure very winded - what does this mean?

Is breast pain a sign of being pregnant?

It can be, however, that does not necessarily mean you are pregnant. It would be better to take a pregnancy test.

What does chest of a bird mean?

exactly what it sounds like, the chest of a bird