

Best Answer

Yes and No. Yes, the world will be peaceful with religion provided it is also possible for every preachers and believers to not discuss about which God to worship, which God ranks highest of all, what to wear, etc... but instead focus be able to focus more on the belief about the betterment that comes from sharing and helping one another. No, the world will not be a peaceful place without religion if all are not able to understand the betterment that comes from sharing and helping one another otherwise there will be peace if one only wishes goodness to another being.

AnswerHow would the world be more peaceful without religion? Seeing as most religions put peace in high regard.

I think the world would be worse off without religion, because even if it does turn out to be brain-washing... it brain-washs people to be good-natured and tolerant. At least most religions do...

AnswerWould the world be more peaceful if there were no religions to influence people's own judgment allowing them to make their own unbiased decisions?

Absolutely! The further I exempt religion from my life the clearer my thinking is becoming.

AnswerDefinitely! No religion ever united people. And at the rate new religion are sprouting like mushrooms, the more people will be seperated.. And all because of ideologies with no factual basis. Answer Probably not. Religion, although not something I have much high regard for myself, is nothing to do with the nature of a human being or an animal.

Humans, with our brain capacity, and creations of society and different cultures and ways of life, will always find something to get angry and upset over. We like conformity as a society, and any non conformists, whatever they be, will always be looked upon with disdain and hounded by some.

There will always be something or someone to influence people and society's judgments and there will always be someone or something to cause war, hate, and all the other things that come from society and society's fear and loathing of difference. There will always be the need humans have for a leader and being led (be it society itself, religious leaders or law makers,) to be told right from wrong, to be told what to do Unbiased opinions are unlikely to be possible as society and right and wrong already give people a reason to not like, to hate and to fear and have opinions about. If there are always rules and leaders with rules then there will always be some who don't agree with the rules and some who don't follow the rules, which will make them non conformists.

Take away religion, it will just be replaced by something else!

But of course that's just my own opinion!

Answer It is not religion itself that causes inter-religious violence, rather, it is the fanatics of the religions that do so. If religion directly caused the violence, I and everyone of my faith would be running around the streets with an assault rifle, mowing down "heathens." But no. We must respect each other's beliefs, even if we feel that they are flawed. It is those who do not respect others for the simple fact that they are human beings, entitled to their own opinion, that cause violence. In support of religion - religion sets moral guidelines that believers obey. When non-religion was policy - Communism, for example - it was not paradise in utopia, but suffering in poverty. Answer

I think the world would be more balanced as a whole... You don't need a religion to figure out your own morality, and you don't need a "god" to make you want to be a "good" person... Humans will always find a way to kill each other, we would just have to rely upon our own moral code to provide justice and avenge atrocities against you....

Where you learn morals is not the problem; it is that some people simply don't learn any. It is not what we believe in, but people themselves that do these things. The removal of all belief systems would not help if the people who cannot accept differences are not removed as well; they would simply find a new excuse to cause war and suffering. The answer might be yes, provided that all people then use their reasoning and accept others as they are. Until we eradicate inequality and intolerance, the world cannot be peaceful.


Religion is just the mask. People as a species (there are always exceptions) are violent, aggressive, territorial and otherwise animals. We will always find some way of acting out on our basest urges. The fact that people can so distort the "message" of religion to rationalize any barbaric action they want to take does not invalidate religion as whole.

If we didn't have religion, we would find some other reason.

Conversely, even while "endorsing" peace, many religions are exclusionist and this too leads to violence. This is probably because even the written "holy" texts were merely justifications for violence.

People who would do good to, or for, their fellow man would continue to do good with or without religion. People who would seek to destroy or enslave their fellow man would continue with, or without, religion.

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Q: Would the world be more peaceful if there were no religions to influence people's own judgment allowing them to make their own unbiased decisions?
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